Surprise Surprise

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Jenni P.O.V.

I had fallen asleep ten minutes into the flight so I am not exactly sure how everything went. I am pretty much the heaviest sleeper in existence so I slept pretty peacefully. I awoke to Dan shaking my shoulders gently and I could tell he was whispering my name.

"Jenni. Jenni come on the flights over wake up." I opened my eyes and smile at the tall brown haired guy in front of me.

"I'm up I'm up bossypants." He chuckled at my response as I grabbed my stuff. We made our way to the baggage pickup line thing and grabbed our stuff. I was greeted by a few fans of my music, and Dan saw a few Danisaurs on the way.

The first person that walked up to me was my age, with blonde scruffy hair, and dark brown eyes. He also had a guitar case strapped behind him. I couldn't say I didn't recognize him.

"Oh my gosh. Thomas Sangster." I said in awe as I walked up to him. 

He smiled and mimicked my tone."Oh my gosh. Jennifer Lester." We laughed a moment and exchanged numbers.

"Dan and I have to go to meet Phil. I will text you later though alright?" 

"Oh yeah. Of course." he said smiling as we departed. Once he was out of earshot I dramatically fell over on Dan.

"I am dead. So star struck right now." I said putting my hand to my forehead. 

"You are such a dork." he said with a chuckle as we walked on.

The girl that walked up to Dan also must have been around our age and she had blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She was slightly taller than me, not to mention skinnier. She took a picture with Dan and he signed her phone case. We walked away when they were done and I rolled my eyes, clearly annoyed.

"What? You can meet up with actor guys but I can't talk to my fans?" He asked in reply to my annoyance.

"That is so totally different. I have wanted to meet him my entire life. That literally was my life goals completed in five minutes." I said, gesturing back to where we were with my free hand.

"How do you know that wasn't hers? That meeting me made her life?" He replied, getting angry.

"Oh please. I beg she has plenty of guys to 'make her life'." I said putting my hands up and doing air quotes. 

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"She was obviously into you." I replied bitterly.

"And that Thomas guy wasn't? He was a decent looking guy too."

"Whatever, Dan. Like I would ever notice someone other than you." I said a newfound fire rising in my tone, heating my words.

"Oh my gosh. Yes you would. Or you wouldn't have acted that way." I could hear him getting to that point where he boiled over and I didn't want to go there, or did I?

"Hey Dan could you do me a quick favor?" I asked, acting stupidly. 

"What." I knew he was pissed and I smirked. Then I took a lock of my hair and twirled it around my finger.

"Will you sign my phone case? Maybe you can sign my back so I can have a tramp stamp of your name there." His face turned bright red and I knew I had crossed the line. He stormed off, and I was left to the airport to try and find myself a way out.

I knew he wouldn't be far, so I continued on the path to Phil's house, wandering the darkening London streets. I had been hearing strange sounds for around ten minutes when I saw him. I didn't really see him but I knew he wasn't good. He was in all black and he was running toward me. I tried to scream but he was right there to hold my mouth shut.

"Say one word and you get to see what happens when I pull the-" he was interrupted by my scream and he had moved his hand slightly, giving me the opportunity. I could see Dan turning around abruptly in the distance, and then I heard it. 


The man disappeared directly after that, and I clutched my stomach. It didn't hurt as much as I was concerned about the massive blood loss. Dan reached me, completely breathless in a moment or two. He grabbed my head and took it in his lap and I could see his eyes welling up with tears. 

"He shot me." I whispered, trying to keep my stomach from bleeding out.

"I called 999 on the way over. They will be here in a moment." He said shakily. I smiled and put my hand on his cheek.

"Dan?" I said, but I'm pretty sure it turned out as a whisper.

"Yeah?" He replied, tears falling down faster now. He leaned into my hand and I smiled.

"I-" I tried to manage my last sentence but darkness and silence consumed me first.

My Brothers Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora