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genre(s): hurt/comfort, fluff
trigger warning(s): nightmares, mentions of death, mentions of violence
summary: you wake up from a nightmare and almost think it was real until your boyfriend, iida, comforts and reassures you it wasn't.
word count: 1.9k words


(y/n) = your name


   The bedroom you shared with your boyfriend, Iida, was filled with complete silence as both of you slept. Well, it wasn't all silent. Iida could be heard, softly breathing. Not to mention, there was still the sound of traffic outside your house. The warmth of your large blanket comforted you both against the semi-cold air. Seeing as how the winter season was rolling in, you recently took the opportunity to bring out all the blankets and wear Iida's hoodies and sweatshirts (not that he minded).

   Iida always took the opportunity to sleep whenever he had the chance, especially with you. As much as he admired heroism and being a hero himself, sometimes the job would take up most of his time. It wasn't as if Iida was trying to complain about it. However, he would feel guilty for leaving you alone for the night if he had to stay behind. You've told him before that you weren't bothered by this at all. Was it enough to stop his guilt? Nope.

   Today had been one of the longest days Iida ever faced, and he had come home tired. He felt quite lucky that he didn't have to stay behind again, and Iida was excited to sleep alongside you (something Iida felt like he hadn't done in a long time). He didn't have any difficulty falling asleep, and he had been in a slumber for the past few hours now.

   You, on the other hand? That was a different story.

   While you were technically asleep, you felt like you were in a reality that you so desperately wanted to escape.


   All you could see around you was pretty much a war zone. The buildings nearby had been destroyed, and one of them was even on fire. Dark clouds consumed the sky, making it look like a storm was coming. When you looked down at the ground, there was blood everywhere.

   Attempting to walk shot pain through your left leg, but you had to deal with it. Right now, you had no idea where Iida was. You didn't even know what had happened. It was as if the next day decided to do a complete turn compared to yesterday. No matter how many questions you formed, there was no answer you could find. That wasn't the main focus, however. All you needed to do was look for Iida. And pray that he was safe and sound.

   It didn't take much longer to find your boyfriend. However, he wasn't safe and sound as you hoped he'd be. Much to your horror, Iida was on the ground, beaten up and tied up. You spotted a large gash on his forehead with blood spewing out of it. While you noticed he was breathing, you knew it was a matter of time before he would die. It didn't help that a villain was standing next to him. He was ready to hurt Iida if he could.

   You so desperately wanted to fight the villain and save Iida, but you couldn't. You weren't a hero. Hell, you weren't even allowed to use your quirk in public! What could you do by then? Nothing, it seems. The pain in your left leg most certainly wouldn't help. However, you couldn't complain. Looking at Iida made you realize he was in more pain than you.

   So what did you do? You yelled to the villain, "Please! DON'T HURT TENYA! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE!"

   The villain only let out a cackle. It sent shivers down your spine. "You think I would listen to you?" he snarled. "Are you stupid? You know I take pride in hurting civilians and heroes. I could do this every day of my life until I die!"

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