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reader-type: gender neutral
genre(s): fluff, romance, lime
trigger warning(s): slightly suggestive content
summary: you think about how much you loved iida after waking up in his arms early in the morning.
word count: 1.4k words



(e/c) = eye color
(n/n) = nickname
(y/n) = your name


   Dawn was starting to set in when your eyes fluttered open. Despite the number of hours you slept the previous night, you still felt like you could need more sleep. There would've been silence had it not been for the birds chirping outside. But hey! At least it was better than being woken up by an alarm clock, right?

   As a yawn came out of your mouth, you found yourself wrapped in the arms of your husband, Iida Tenya. His hug was tight, but not enough to suffocate you. With your face almost close to his chest, you could hear his steady heartbeat alongside his breathing.  It was one of the many things that could soothe you to sleep, no questions asked.

   Your (E/C) glanced up to observe Iida's face. The usual look of seriousness was no longer there. With the muscles relaxed, he looked so peaceful. Oh yeah, and you couldn't forget Iida's blue unkempt hair. Some parts of his bangs were covering his eyes.

   Sometimes you'd always wonder how Iida manages to look handsome while he sleeps. You, on the other hand, looked like an absolute mess. You could end up sleeping for an entire day with plenty of energy to wake up, but somehow you'd still look tired as hell. It was a little unfair if you asked yourself.

   Of course, this didn't mean you could get mad at him for it. Why would you? It'd be a ridiculous reason, anyways.

   There was no urge to get up and start the day (if anything, Iida would most likely do that), so you figured you'd stay in bed. You continued to gaze at Iida, listening as he breathed softly. A loving look emerged from your eyes.

   At that moment, you realized just how lucky you were to be married to Iida. Considering how long the both of you have been together before he popped the big question, you knew that this was the man you loved. No way in hell would you ever take any moments with him for granted.

   With no instincts of holding back, your hand made its way onto Iida's cheek. Instantly feeling the softness of his skin, you caressed. Since your touch didn't wake Iida up in an instant, you continued this action, all the while you placed a kiss on his lips. He's so cute, what the hell? you thought, a smile growing on your face.

   A few seconds passed, and Iida started to wake up. Rubbing his eyes, he opened them to make eye contact with you. "Oh, good morning, (Y/N)," he groggily greeted. Even his morning voice was attractive! At this point, you were starting to think there was absolutely nothing about him that was unattractive. "Already awake this early?"

   "Yeah," you mumbled. Your fingers eventually left their place on Iida's cheeks, and they trailed down to his chest. Without putting any pressure on his skin, you drew circles on the area. All the while, you inhaled the scent radiating from Iida's shirt. As creepy as this looked or sounded, you loved the way Iida smelled (**). You couldn't find the words to describe it.

   A small smile emerged on Iida's lips after he noticed that your eyelids were beginning to drop. He rubbed your back gently using his hand. "For having been sleeping early last night, you sure still look tired," Iida chuckled.

   "Hey!" you protested, "I can't help it. It's always been like this for me for some reason. Somehow I could be sleeping for a decade, and when I wake up, I'm just like '...Nah, I need more sleep. Gimme five more minutes.'"

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