
523 11 6

reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): angst, grief, hurt/comfort
trigger warning(s): mentions of death, family member loss, and hospitalization
summary: it felt like you might never get over your mother's passing, but you felt comfort knowing that your husband, iida will be there to get you through it all
word count: 1.2k words



(y/n) = your name

(n/n) = nickname 


   It was only a few weeks ago that you were feeling happy. There were no worries in the world, and all you could do was enjoy life at that moment.

   But now, all of that happiness is gone. It went down the drain.

   The life in your eyes is also gone, devoid of color. You could feel the puffiness on them.

   At first, you did not do much. You could only sit there, staring at nothing but looking emotionless.

   However, all it took was seeing a photo of her or hearing a mention of her. The next thing you know? You were bawling.

   Your mother.

   Tragically, she passed away in the hospital a few days ago. You always remembered seeing her whenever you got the chance. God, you could only feel pain in your chest, seeing her hooked up into many tubes and sedated. The doctors said she could still hear, although sometimes you doubted that. Regardless, you would always talk to her about everything and anything. It ranged from your gushing to her about a nice date with your husband, Iida, or your plans about meeting up with an old high school friend. You told her all.

   And unfortunately, now, you cannot tell her anything.

   You were grateful that your hero agency was more than happy to give you a couple of days off to grieve, but lately, you isolated yourself in your shared bedroom. You would hug a pillow and cry into it, not caring if you would get it all dirty with your tears and snot. All that came out of your mouth was sobs, but sometimes, you whispered a few things.

   "Mom, why did you have to leave me?"

   "I love you mom, forever and always."

   "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry..."

   Yet you knew she would never reply to you. Hell, you even sent her a text a day after her passing, thanking her for being the best mom ever and hoping she was happy wherever she was. But you knew she would never read it. It was a painful reminder that she was gone. She would never be there in your presence.

   And all you could do is imagine (or even hope) that she is watching over you.

   Then a knock came upon your door.


  You recognized that voice, it was Iida. While you did stop your cries, you stayed in that same position, refusing to get up and let your husband in. You wanted to continue to dwell on your sadness. Alone by yourself.

   But you could not ignore the other part of you that needed comfort.

   "(Y/N), is it alright if I can come in?"

   "Yep," you replied, your voice nearly cracking.

   Then the door opened, and from the corner of your eyes, Iida walked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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