tiny (short!reader)

1.4K 40 56

genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: while iida isn't a teasing person, by all means, it doesn't mean he has occasions of teasing you for your short height.
word count: 1.3k words
notes: reader is short in this drabble. their exact height is not specified, but they're small compared to iida



(f/c) = favorite color
(y/n) = your name


   Iida never thought much about your height, although he was aware of how tall he was next to you. Everyone knew as soon as they see you stand next to him. Therefore, Iida never found a reason to point it out or poke fun of you for it. Why would he? He'd be a cruel boyfriend if he ever did such a thing, right?

   That part was correct; Iida would never do such a thing. However, sometimes he can't help but tease you on a few occasions. And this was one of the first times he did such a thing.


   It was just unfortunate (well, to you, anyway) that there was an upcoming exam in one of your most disliked subjects. Yep, that wasn't exactly your cup of tea. You'd much rather deal with homework than studying, as shocking as that might've sounded. But luckily, Iida was sweet enough to offer you help, which you appreciated a lot.

   During the study session, it was a bit of an understatement to say you were getting bored. Extremely bored. At one point, you almost remember closing your eyes and falling asleep. It was only the fact that your boyfriend was with you, and you knew he would wake you up in an instant.

   But you also promised yourself you wanted to do your best!

   For the past few minutes, you paid attention to Iida as he explained the problems and how to solve them. Everything was going decent so far, you understood what Iida was saying, and you kept your concentration.

   That was until you realized you were feeling cold. Rolling up the sleeves of your (F/C) sweater and stealing a glance at your arms, you already saw goosebumps growing. 'Well, this is great,' you thought. You didn't even bring an extra hoodie with you when you went to Iida's dorm room.

   "Alright, I think we're finished for now!" Iida's voice snapped you out of your trance. You blinked and looked back up to see your boyfriend closing his books. "We can take a break and pick back up later."

   You didn't even realize how many minutes had passed. "Oh, okay," you mumbled, rubbing your arm with the sleeve of your sweater.

   Usually, you would've let out a sigh of relief when you were able to take a break from studying for an hour or so. It was something Iida picked up when he first met you. However, when you didn't do just that, he raised an eyebrow. "Is everything alright, love?" Iida asked, a bit concerned. "You sound a bit tired."

   "Oh, no! I'm fine! It's just that..." you bit the inside of your mouth. "...I'm kinda cold."

   Unbeknownst to him, this was your way of indicating you wanted to wear one of his hoodies after thinking about how you could keep warm. But somehow, you felt embarrassed about this as you answered Iida's question. Was there even a reason? You didn't think so.

   "You're cold?" Iida placed a finger on his chin as if he was thinking. "Hmm, I don't feel that cold. It must be my air conditioning. Excuse me for one moment, (Y/N), I'll go change it right now a–"

   "Wait, no, it's fine!" you waved your hands after Iida stood up from his bed and was about to make his way to the air conditioner. He looked at you with confusion.

   "Are you sure?" he inquired, "If you truly are feeling that cold, then I'll fix the temperature of my room fo–"

   "Yeah, I am cold," you assured him, "I just wanna wear your hoodies if that's okay with you."

   At that very moment, Iida stood still. Very still. There was a look on his face, almost as if he was taken aback by your statement. "You want to wear...my hoodies?"

   You nodded.

   Now that Iida thought about it, he never saw you wearing clothes like hoodies and sweaters. But that's when he also realized this would be a perfect opportunity to see just how adorable you would look in them! And considering your tiny height, the clothes could practically devour you. It was the type of sight Iida would enjoy a lot.

   And that was when he started feeling a bit playful.

   "Well then, that's completely fine. I'll let you wear one of my hoodies," Iida nodded, adjusting his glasses and pushing them up the bridge of his nose. You felt excitement build up inside of you.

   "But you need to do something first before I can hand it to you, (Y/N)."

   Huh? Confused, you tilted your head. "What's that?" There was a sound of uncertainty in your voice.

   A smirk grew on Iida's lips. "You're going to kiss me on the lips. And no, you're not allowed to attempt to climb me to reach."

   There was an urge in Iida to laugh as he watched your face turn into shock. If you were trying to say something to him, there was a chance you were possibly saying something along the lines of Excuse me?!

   Meanwhile, you had no idea if your boyfriend was being serious or just joking. After all, he wasn't that much of a playful person. Besides, how were you even supposed to reach his lips? Don't tell me, you thought, this is his new way of teasing me for my height?!

  Damn you.

   Oh well, you might as well go along and try, right?

   So that's what you did for the next few minutes. You had to fight back the urge to stand on your toes to reach, which was difficult, as you discovered. Your short height certainly didn't make it any more useful for you. And seeing the mischievous smirk on Iida's face was starting to make you grow frustrated. "Having difficulty, my darling?" he snickered.

   "Shut up," you grumbled, "I'm trying, okay?"

   Ultimately, you gave up and grabbed Iida's shirt to pull him down and place a kiss on his lips. No, you didn't care that he told you specifically not to do that. After pulling away, Iida had to hold back a laugh seeing your face, how your eyebrows furrowed. "Well, you did finally give me a kiss, although you weren't supposed to pull me down, right?" Iida said.

   "I mean, I tried, but I couldn't" you crossed your arms. "Besides, I want your hoodie now. I'm still cold as hell."

   Iida chuckled, patting your head gently. "Alright, alright, I'll find one for you."

   After receiving one of Iida's navy blue hoodies, you held it close to your chest before looking up at Iida and asking, "Hey, why did you have to poke fun at me like that? It's never like you to do such a thing."

   Your boyfriend hummed, thinking of something to answer. "I'll admit, I don't know if you and I could consider this as a reason, (Y/N)," he said. "but I couldn't help it. You're practically one of the shortest people in our class, as I'm sure you're aware, and I find that adorable! You're like a 'small bean' compared to me, as Ashido would describe it."

   Oh yeah, you forgot. One time Ashido was practically fangirling over the height difference between you and Iida. Why she did, you had no idea.

   "However, if you're that bothered by my teasing, I truly apologize. You can tell me to stop, and I will!"

   Well, you weren't necessarily hurt by it, and it wasn't as if Iida was trying to mock your height, so you forgave him. Later, you finally wore the hoodie (Iida almost had to clutch his heart. You looked precious wearing it!), prompting Iida to pull you in for a hug.

   After that hug eventually led into a cuddle session, you permitted Iida to be the only person who can tease your small height.

iida tenya reader insertsWhere stories live. Discover now