
1.7K 37 30

genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: iida isn't one to be clingy. at all. however, he proves that wrong one day, and needless to say, you found it adorable!
word count: 1.4k words



(f/s) = favorite scent
(y/n) = your name


   What should have been a relaxing day off of work did not turn out to be one. Instead, you did daily tasks like getting the groceries, doing the laundry, and preparing meals. But there were no complaints. You even offered to do all of it and let your husband, Iida, rest. Considering how he spent the last week in a different prefecture for a villain chase, he had come home late at night completely exhausted.

   In case you were wondering about this, no: you did not listen to Iida trying to assure you that there was no need to do all of this. You would be a cruel spouse if you exhausted your husband even more, right?

   Going outside what something you did not enjoy often. If staying inside watching anime and eating nothing but your favorite food was a job, you would probably be rich as hell. But you know, being outside every once in a while was not all that bad!

   You felt like your arms were about to fall off by the time you came home. Relief washed over you as you placed the plastic bags down on the doormat to open the front door of your apartment before having to pick them back up again.

   Upon realizing that it was close to dinner time, you took one of the plastic bags and pulled out the beef stew ingredients. You rarely cooked this meal since you would much rather have Iida do it (besides, his cooking tasted better), but you figured: why not? Let's not let your (low) confidence stop you from trying to cook!

   In a matter of minutes, you were starting to cook the beef stew. So far, so good, you thought. Although you did not want to jinx it and somehow accidentally start a fire (Oops!). During that time, you never realized Iida had walked out the bedroom and into the kitchen until you heard his sleepy voice speak up.

   "(Y/N)? You're back?"

   "Hmm?" You looked over your shoulder for a brief second to catch a small glance of Iida behind you. "Oh yeah, just got back a while ago, but I didn't wanna wake you up 'cause I figured you were still sleeping."

   Iida hummed before walking up towards you. His eyes glanced over the pot that was radiating off the smell of his favorite food. Or at least, that was what he was thinking. It had been a long week of work, and perhaps this was him just missing beef stew that he got no chance to eat in a while. "Are you making..."

   "Beef stew?" you finished his sentence before you turned back to smile at him. "Yep! Just for you!"

   You never intentionally flustered people (you highly doubt you could, even if you tried), yet somehow you managed to cast a light blush on the blue-haired man's cheeks. It was usually when you did even the smallest things for him, like buying him a shirt in his favorite color.

   With only a nod as a response, Iida took a seat at the dining table, which was right next to the kitchen. His family was wealthy, so you thought he would have moved into a much larger house. But nope. Iida would much rather have a small apartment with you. He said it would be much more cozier, which you could not disagree on.

   For the next few minutes, you continued to cook while Iida watched you. You could practically feel his eyes on your back, but he did not look at you in a way that creeped you out or made you uncomfortable. Alongside the strong smell of the beef stew, there was just comfortable silence.


   Well, it was not silent now. You had let out a sound when you suddenly felt arms wrapping around you. Iida was practically snuggling into you, and he was so close that you could almost smell him. If you got flustered easily, you knew damn well you could already feel the blood rushing towards your cheeks.

   "My apologies, sweetheart," Iida mumbled, "but is it alright if we can stay like this?"

   You were taken off guard by this question before you replied. "Of course, babe." With this in mind, you just thought the both of you would remain in this comfortable position until you finished cooking, and Iida would let go.

   HA. You were wrong about that.

   First, Iida had refused to remove his arms off you as soon as you finished cooking so you could grab some plates and utensils. It certainly did not help that his grip on you was tight. You swore you almost caught him pouting after you managed to get him to let go.

   Later after dinner, you were about to wash the dishes when Iida glued himself onto you again. There was no bother in trying to pry him off of you. Besides, you loved how warm his hugs were.

   Then the time came for you to escape his grip when you finished the last dish and went to the bathroom to shower. And yes, Iida did almost follow you, and you had to reassure him you would only be quick. He was lucky enough he was not some random stranger, or else you would have been extremely uncomfortable.

   It was at this point you knew Iida was acting strange. It was the only thought going through your head as you washed your body in the shower.

   Now with (F/S) radiating off your body, you came out of the bathroom fresh and clean for the night (and considering how you used warm water, you were about to fall asleep right then and there). Opening the bedroom door, you stepped inside to find Iida already in bed, still awake and looking as if he had been waiting for you.

   "I finished– Ah!" You could not even finish your sentence as soon as you walked closer to the bed. Why? Because Iida practically grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his lap. You once again felt his tight grip as he wrapped his arms around you, and it was evident he was not letting go anytime soon.

   "Tenya, what is going on?" you asked after a few seconds. In the meanwhile, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You had never seen this side of him before.

   "I'm sorry," Iida mumbled before looking at you. The facial expression he had reminded you of a puppy whimpering. You almost wanted to clutch your heart. "I know I must be quite annoying right now."


   Hey, let him finish!

   "It's just that it feels like I've been away from you for too long. I missed you a lot, but you were out for the majority of the day, and I had to admit I was looking forward to some cuddles," Iida sighed, resting his forehead against your shoulder. "I could go on and on, but I would be rambling. Besides, I know you were willing to do almost everything while I rested. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't be complaining about all of this."

   You felt yourself softening and almost about to tear up. Considering that Iida was right about you being gone for the whole day, you never realized how lonely Iida felt back at home. And the puppy dog eyes your husband was giving were making damn sure you knew it.

"No, no, no, you don't need to apologize!" you reassured him.

Oh, damn it. Well, no bother holding back, right?

   "Aww, come here, baby." You put a finger under his chin to lift his face, cupped his cheeks, and began to pepper his face with soft kisses. All the while, Iida leaned into your touch. By this point, you had no idea how many times in your life have you thought Iida was cute. But he was, especially right now! You almost wanted to baby him.

   "Tell you what," you said after placing a kiss on his lips. "We can cuddle all night until we fall asleep and even tomorrow all day if you want. It can be my way of making up to you."

   You watched Iida's eyes practically glisten in excitement. It was like he was a kid in a candy store. "That would be perfect, darling. That would be perfect. But I hope you will keep that promise, right?"

   There was absolutely no way you would dare yourself to say no to him.

   And not wanting to leave his pinky finger up, you brought up yours so they can intertwine. "I promise, Tenya."

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