
1.2K 27 12

genre(s): angst, comfort, fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): mentions of nudity, mentions of self-doubt
summary: during a friday night, when you and iida are bathing after a stressful week of work, you felt all your pent-up emotions coming out of you, and luckily, iida is there for you.
word count: 1.7k words



(y/n) = your name


   After what felt like a long week of work, it was finally the weekend.

   Well. Technically, it was Friday, but it was the end of the day. It meant that the weekend officially started!

   Iida never really rushed home after an end of a workday, nor did he take his sweet time. He went home at a regular pace. But today, he almost had to fight the urge to use his quirk and dash back--

   He took that back; he would patiently wait for you to finish and then carry you in a bridal style and then dash home. What kind of a husband would Iida be if he just left his spouse behind?

   Iida was not one to stress over things, especially his hero work; he could manage it well. Unfortunately, there have been many criminal cases he had to tend to, and he had to stay behind and finish up on extra work. Iida could practically feel the tension in almost every part of his body due to the stress he was feeling.

   So when Iida finally arrived home with you and did not have to worry about anything else for the weekend, he felt ecstatic. He had the whole weekend to stay in and rest! And he could get in a few more cuddles that he never got to have with you this week.


   The first part of being able to rest: getting to eat. Oh yeah, and also being able to eat it with each other. Again, it was another thing that Iida felt like he had not done in a long time. After all, both of your work schedules could get crazy sometimes.

   There was some unusual look in your eyes as you ate. You barely talked either, only saying short sentences or just nodding your head at what Iida was saying. His guess was that you must have been tired.

   Now the next part was taking a warm bath. You know, for all that stress. At first, you decided to let Iida bathe first, but he insisted on letting you go first instead. Ultimately, Iida suggested that both of you would take a bath together, although he was a bit flustered at the idea of you naked in front of him (Was he supposed to? I mean, you were his spouse!).

   You agreed, only murmuring, "Sure."

   As Iida sat in the bath, he could feel the warmth of the water against his body. A soft sigh left his mouth. He never felt this good in what felt like forever. I mean, sure, warm showers also felt good. But in the end, baths were much better.

   A few seconds later and you had stripped off all your clothes. Upon casting a glance at your naked body, Iida felt a blush covering his cheeks before he immediately looked away so you would not notice. Luckily, you did not, and eventually, you settled into the tub with Iida, sitting in front of him.

   No words broke the silence for the next few minutes. Iida did notice some tension on your shoulders as you brought your legs up to your chest and hugged them. Out of pure instinct (since he usually did this whenever he noticed some tension on any part of your body), Iida gently placed his hands on your shoulder and massaged the area. Although, you were taken aback by the sudden touch.

   "Sorry, (Y/N)," Iida apologized, "your shoulders looked a bit stiff, so I decided to massage them."

   "No worries," you mumbled, looking down at the water. Now Iida heard some sort of sadness in your voice. He frowned in concern. He was conflicted, having no idea what to do. Of course, Iida could not just assume you were upset about something. Again, you must have been tired. That was all there was to it, right?

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