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genre(s): romance, lime
trigger warning(s): slightly suggestive content
summary: despite already dating you, iida hasn't exactly gotten used to showing you affection. however, he decided he was going to change that. the only catch? you didn't expect this kind of affection, nor did you expect him to be this bold.
word count: 1.2k words


(y/n) = your name
(f/b) = favorite book


   Iida was making use of his time by reading (F/B), the one you recommended to him a few days back. At first glance, he wasn't exactly sure why you liked this book. However, the more chapters he read, the more he understood why.

   The house in which the blue-haired man shared with you was dead quiet, aside from the rain drizzling outside. Despite the weather, it didn't stop the plans of you and your friends to hang out for the afternoon. Iida wasn't a controlling person by all means, but he wished he could've stopped you from going out. If he had done that, you would've been by his side cuddling with him as he read.

   That's when the realization hit Iida. He's never shown you much affection before. It wasn't because he was a cold-hearted person who loathed it. He didn't know how to show it without being awkward. When you were the one showing affection, Iida would sometimes feel himself going stiff.

   He would think that after months of dating you, he would've gotten accustomed to affection. Nope. He was pretty much new to the whole thing. Luckily, you never pestered him for it. But even still, Iida felt like he wasn't being a good boyfriend to you. Today, he wanted to change himself.

   Hearing the front door open and then close from downstairs made Iida smile, as it signified that you were home now. "I'm home!" you called out. You removed your shoes and placed them near the front door, which was proceeded by you taking off your jacket. A tired sigh escaped your lips. You were pretty much exhausted today, although you still had fun with your friends.

   Putting down the book, Iida exited the bedroom and walked downstairs to see you. "Welcome back." He greeted you. "Did you have fun?"

   You nodded. "Yep! I'm pretty tired, though, so I'll go change."

   Iida watched as you walked past him and towards the staircase. He ran a finger through his hair, slightly out of frustration. Iida should've started by at least giving you a hug or something! Instead, he just greeted you with words and nothing else. It's okay, he thought to himself. This isn't the end of the world. He had plenty of time to open himself up!

   Iida walked back upstairs and stopped at the front door of the bedroom to knock on it. "Did you finish changing, my love?" he asked.

   "Almost!" you replied. "I just needa change my shirt!"

   You were able to change fairly quickly, so only a few seconds passed before you finished. "Okay, you can come in!"

   At that, Iida opened the door and walked inside. He stopped in the middle of the doorway as he caught sight of you wearing one of his navy blue sweatshirts. A blush covered his cheeks. Since you were smaller than him, it was a little big on your body, not that you were bothered by it. You liked oversized clothes, anyway.

   "Something wrong?" you tilted your head, concerned after your boyfriend hasn't said anything.

   "N-No, it's nothing." Iida shook his head and cleared his throat.

   "Hmm, if you say so!" you smiled and walked over to the bookshelf to pull out a volume of your favorite manga series that you haven't finished. You crawled into your side of the king-sized bed and pulled out the bookmark, starting to read.

   Iida picked up (F/B) and proceeded to crawl into bed with you. He spent the next few minutes trying to read rather than steal glances at you. How was he supposed to help himself, though? You looked so adorable right now! (Well, you look adorable every day). With how small you looked in his sweater (which he knew you would get mad if he said that out loud) as you silently read, smiling every once in a while. If anything, all Iida wanted to do was kiss you.

   But how was he going to do that?

   After putting the book back on the nightstand standing next to your bed, Iida took a small glance at you before scooting closer. He hesitated at first, but he slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You let out a sound of surprise but smiled nonetheless and continued to read.

   Glancing over the pages, Iida had no idea what was going on in the volume you were reading. It didn't matter right now, anyway. So far, he already got his arm around you. Now, what should he do next?

   Hmm, maybe this.

   You turned your head towards Iida when he lightly patted your shoulder with his hand. As soon as you were facing him, he used his free hand to place his hand on your chin, slightly brushing your bottom lip with his thumb.

    Meanwhile, you felt yourself blush. You didn't know how to explain it, but there was somewhat of a look of love and lust in his eyes. The moment Iida started to slowly inch his face towards you, you were internally freaking out. You had no time to think about what was happening before he placed his lips on yours, engulfing you in a kiss.

   Iida removed his arm from your shoulder to your waist, pulling you closer. Wrapping his other hand around your waist, he refused to let you go. Your eyes widened in surprise. On one hand, you didn't expect Iida to kiss you without hesitation. On the other hand, however, you liked it. You couldn't leave Iida hanging, so you closed your eyes and returned the kiss.

   You moved from your spot in the bed and crawled into his lap, pretty much making out with him at this point. You ran your hand through his dark blue hair, your touch prompting him to let out a small groan of pleasure. Your tongues practically wrestled to ensure dominance, but in the end, Iida won. One of his hands found itself underneath the sweatshirt you were wearing, and he started to rub it against your bare skin; his touch sent shivers down your spine.

   Iida, at this moment, felt bold for making the first move. Something simple as wrapping his arm around your shoulder led to him having you on his lap, your lips pretty much glued into a heated make-out session. With another bolt of courage going through him, Iida carefully turned himself over, and now you were lying underneath him.

   A few minutes passed before Iida decided to break away from the kiss, a string of saliva already connecting your mouths. He looked down at you and watched as you were practically panting to catch your breath. "I-I apologize, darling," he apologized. "Was that too much for you?"

   "No, it's okay!" you reassured him with a smile. "I just didn't expect you to be so bold to kiss me, let alone get us into this make-out session." you wiggled your eyebrows teasingly.

   "Me either," Iida admitted, scratching his cheek nervously. "All I just wanted was to show you some affection because I felt as though as your boyfriend, I didn't show enough. I hope you weren't too uncomfortable with that. If you were, I'll tone down my level of affection."

   "I told you, it's fine," you said. "You know I'm not bothered by you being unaffectionate twenty-four-seven, but if you want to show me any, I'll more than gladly allow it. I mean, I'm your (s/o), right?"

   Iida blushed but nodded. "Y-Yes, that's right."

   "With that out of the way," you smirked, "Don't you think we should finish what you started?"

   Iida had to admit he liked where this was going. After he smirked back at you, you took no hesitation to bring his face closer to you and connected your lips.

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