
1.6K 28 31

genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: late at night, iida finds you outside on the balcony after you have difficulty falling asleep.
word count: 1.2k words



(e/c) = eye color
(f/a) = favorite anime
(y/n) = your name


It was late at night, and you still weren't sleepy enough to fall into a deep slumber. It was why you currently found yourself standing outside your balcony. You felt the cool breeze blow against your body as your (E/C) eyes gazed up at the sky.

You didn't know why you couldn't fall asleep. Considering how it was a Saturday, you spent the entire day not being productive at all. Well, unless you counted binge-watching (F/A). It annoyed you since the forefront of your mind was wanting to sleep in Iida's arms.

"Well, this sucks," you grumbled to yourself as you sighed in frustration. You were never one to get much sleep over the weekend since you liked to stay up. So this was the first time you've wanted to have a healthy amount of sleep. But now you couldn't even do that!

That's when you heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the sliding glass door before it opened. You turned around to see Iida standing outside the doorway, looking like he just woke up from his sleep. "(Y/N)?" he questioned. "What are you doing out here? Don't you know it's extremely late at night?"

"Yeah, I know," you shrugged before looking back out at the view in front of you. "But I can't sleep, so I went outside here."

"Can't sleep?" Iida raised an eyebrow. He walked to join you by your side. "Darling, you haven't even done much today, let alone anything physical. How could you have difficulty falling asleep?"

Damn, did he have to expose you like that? You would've been offended (or at least sounded offended) had it not been for the fact that he had a point. "Well, I don't know why else I'd still be awake late at night," you said. You looked down at the traffic going on.

"Hmm," Iida frowned in concentration. "Perhaps maybe I can make you some tea? That normally helps me fall asleep rather quickly. Unless you don't like tea, then something else?"

"No, it's okay. Thanks, though." you politely declined. A smile did grow on your face hearing your boyfriend's offer. "I'll stay out here for now. Besides, I probably woke you up, didn't I? I'm sorry."

"Don't be, (Y/N), it's fine," Iida reassured you. "I didn't even know you left our bedroom until I woke up a while ago and realized you weren't in bed next to me, so I had to look around the apartment to try and find you."

"Oh, okay," you nodded. There wasn't anything else you wanted to say, so there was silence.

Your eyes lingered back to the view. You could see the city buildings from the balcony, and most of their windows were still light. No heavy traffic was evident with long lines of cars and honking every few minutes. All of these combined gave the perfect ambiance to the night. You were almost starting to wonder why you'd never go out onto the balcony at night before.

Now unbeknownst to you, Iida's blue eyes were fixed on you. As much as he wanted to admire the view alongside you, he couldn't help himself. Considering how the balcony lights weren't on, Iida wouldn't be able to see you clearly in the dark. It was thanks to the moon and stars that he didn't need to turn it on.

In his mind, the way the moonlight was shining down upon you made it look like you had light radiating off of you. It was almost as if you were an angel blessed upon him from whatever God is up there. All you were missing was a halo and wings.

There was no point in holding back his voice, Iida decided. It might've been weird to ask this, but he might as well do it. Iida just needed to get your attention back on him. And oh boy, he had to stop his heart from turning warm upon realizing your (E/C) eyes shone in the light when you made eye contact with him.

"Did you ever know how beautiful you are in the moonlight?"

Upon watching your eyes widening and you almost becoming flustered, Iida had to bite the inside of his mouth to prevent a chuckle from coming out of him. It was a sight he enjoyed, to say the very least. "I do...?" was the only thing you answered. You didn't have any other words to say.

"Yes, you do. Truly," Iida confirmed. "But even then..."

He placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it softly with his thumb. You remembered him doing this whenever you were crying, and he was wiping your tears away. A loving look in his eyes, they'd you that he was always going to be there whenever the waterworks broke again. But this time, you weren't crying. Instead, you felt flustered from the touch.

You didn't even realize that Iida had inched his face closer to yours until you heard his voice faintly whispering.

"'re beautiful every day, my love."

Wait, what?!

And with that, Iida slowly connected his lips with yours.

It wasn't as if this was your very first kiss with him. However, they were a rare occasion since Iida preferred forehead and cheek kisses most of the time. So for him to be kissing you on the lips set fireworks in your stomach. But you liked the feeling; you liked feeling the passion and love behind it.

Without any hesitation, you kissed back, and your lips went in sync with each other. You placed both your hands on Iida's cheeks, feeling how smooth and soft they were, while his arms wrapped around your waist.

You almost felt like you were in a scene in a romance movie. The only thing missing was some romantic soundtrack in the background.

A few seconds passed, and, much to your slight disappointment, Iida pulled away from the kiss. As he placed his hands on your shoulders, he smiled. "You know, (Y/N)," he said. "I very much enjoy kissing your lips. I could get used to it."

And there was your cue to feel flustered again.

A chuckle came out of Iida. "And if I had known you were also prone to blushing, I would found more ways to make you do it more often."

You wanted to talk back; you desperately wanted to. But what could you say? By that point, it was like he was a cat who got your tongue. The only thing you could do is suffer in silence from his teasing.

Iida was enjoying this. He'd usually never want to make you feel embarrassed in any way, shape, or form. However, if it meant being able to see your flustered face, Iida might as well take a chance. "My apologizes for that, (Y/N)," he smiled. "Perhaps my teasing is bothering you a little too much?"

"Yeah," you mumbled, crossing your arms and pouting.

"Alright, I'll stop," Iida patted your cheek gently.

Now the want for sleep no longer at the forefront of your mind. You just wanted to stay on the balcony throughout the rest of the night with Iida. What you would do throughout the next hours, you didn't know. But it didn't matter because you enjoyed being in the moonlight with your boyfriend.

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