
1.5K 33 26

genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: you and iida have your very first kiss.
word count: 1.3k words


@Sdjrksnfoeffrdkn asks: iida tenya x reader - you and iida's first kiss, thank you! :-)
note: funny enough, i was thinking about writing about something like this before, but i didn't like how it turned out, so i scrapped it for the time being. now you requested it, i shall write it now! i hope you (and everyone else) will like it!



(l/n) = last name
(y/n) = your name


Never in your life did you expect yourself to confess to your crush, Iida. Let alone have him accept the confession and say he liked you back. You had to admit you were still trying to process that fact in your head. Was this even real life at all? Or was this just a dream you were having?

But no, this was indeed real. And now here you were, on a date with Iida. Managing to plan it over the weekend, he had decided to take you out for lunch and dessert. It might have seemed pretty simple to some people, but not to you. You enjoyed it a lot! Besides, you got to eat your favorite food and be with your crush-- wait, boyfriend.

With Iida's hand in yours (you almost snickered when he stiffened upon you reaching out for his hand), the both of you walked towards a nearby shop where they sold many types of desserts, including your favorite. It was safe to say you were not enough with lunch and needed more food. Iida was on board; he had been craving something sweet recently.

After Iida bought and paid for them (you would have barged in to pay at least half, had it not for him reassuring you he was willing to spend all this money), he suggested the idea of going to the park. You nodded in approval.

In a way, you were almost glad there were barely any people at the park upon arrival. You did not want anyone interrupting your date; you just wanted to eat your deserts in peace with Iida.

Ultimately, Iida was able to spot a bench and proposed the idea of sitting there. You agree, as you were starting to feel a bit tired from walking, although you were unaware of the feeling until just now.

"So," Iida spoke up, opening the plastic box that held a small slice of cake.

"How are you enjoying this date so far?" he asked as he started to take out a plastic fork, stabbing a small chunk of the cake with it and taking the first bite. His eyes glistened in awe upon the sweet flavor against his taste buds. He finally realized how much you loved the deserts from that shop.

"I loved it!" you answered. You found yourself smiling as you bit into your dessert. God, you could never get enough of it. You may or may not have said yes excitedly when Iida asked if you wanted dessert after lunch.

Iida chuckled. "That's good to hear," he felt a sense of relief and pride wash over him. "I truly did my best to make it enjoyable for you. If for any reason it was not, I have no idea what I would do to make it up to you!"

You felt your heart clench at that. In all honesty, you could relate to that (in fact, you do not think you could plan a decent date at all!). "No, don't worry about it!" you swallowed your food before adding, "I think you planned everything amazingly."

"Why, thank you (L/N)-- ah! Pardon. I mean (Y/N)," You let out a small chuckle. After you had gotten together with Iida, you told him it was okay to refer to you by your first name. But considering how you known each other for a couple of years, you were used to him calling you (L/N). So it was a bit unusual hearing (Y/N) coming out of his mouth. Nonetheless, you enjoyed it.

iida tenya reader insertsWhere stories live. Discover now