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William Cook was a tall man, with green eyes that pierced into the eyes of all onlookers. His chestnut hair combed neatly behind his ears and his cocky smile winning the attention of all the ladies present. All the ladies except one Miss Basset.

Josephine's hands shook as she tried her best not to faint, the whole situation was completely overwhelming. She had left this man behind, with the intention of never seeing him again. She told everyone he was dead.

"Perhaps we should move to a more private setting?" Simon said as he noticed all eyes on the group. Daphne looked worried and confused at the new stranger. Lady Danbury had concern written all over her face. Anyone who had met or crossed paths with William Cook knew he was bad news.

"Yes that is appropriate for we have much to discuss." William said not breaking eye contact with Josephine. "But I think it inappropriate that Bridgerton joins us." Anthony stepped forward but was pushed back by Simon.

"Absolutely not. If we are talking he will be there." Josephine finally broke from her daze, firmly exclaiming her preference of Anthony's presence.

"Of course Dear whatever pleases you." Williams voice dripped with politeness, so sweet it was off putting given the circumstance. Josephine felt as though she might be sick.

With Simon leading the way, his hand still firmly gripped in his sisters, Anthony Bridgerton followed close behind as the four stood in the quiet drawing room down the hall.

"What is going on?" Simon was the first to break the silence. "You said he was dead." He turned only addressing his sister, who was growing pale.

"Dead? How preposterous!" William interjected but grew quiet when met with a glare from Simon.

"He is dead to me." Josephine exclaimed defensively, feeling rather guilty for never explaining the situation to her brother.

"You cannot just decide such things Josephine! Your ego grows the better of you sometimes, you cannot lie like this!" Simons words were rather harsh, and Anthony felt himself grow angry at the whole situation.

"I couldn't agree more!" William again interrupted jarring on. Josephine grew whiter and sick looking which went unnoticed by everyone but Anthony.

"Just let her explain herself." Anthony said calmly trying his best to make Josephine feel safe.

But Josephine was as still and pale as a statue, no words leaving her lips. In fact Anthony was not even sure she was breathing. "Perhaps you could give us a moment? Just stand outside." Anthony's eyes pleaded with Simon.

Simon finally calmed realising how awful his sister looked. "Alright we will be right behind the door." Simon turned aggressively gesturing for William to leave before him.

"Josie tell me what's going on." Anthony whispered as he walked around to face her. "Your brother and I cannot help if you do not help us understand..." Anthony continued until he was cut off.

"He is a rake!" Josephine almost yelled the words.

"Josephine so is your brother, so am I." Anthony tried to joke but it fell flat.

Josephine sucked in a deep breath as she explained. "At first I heard it at night, I passed it off as the staff or something. For I had no problem with relationships within our house." Josephine sighed as she sat down on the chair closest to her. Anthony sunk to a kneeling position in front of her.

"I never bought it up with William because I knew he would be angry, anything made him angry." Josephine's hands began to shake again. "But one night I couldn't sleep, I noticed he wasn't in bed so I went to get some warm milk."

Anthony felt a sinking feeling in his stomach knowing exactly what Josephine was implying. Grabbing her quivering hands he gave her a small nod to continue.

"I went to get some milk, and saw the quarter doors where ajar. There he was in bed with some woman, I assume a kitchen staff. I ran out to fast to notice." Anthony's blood was boiling. How dare he bring such dishonour to her. How dare he be so unfaithful.

"He ran after me, yelling that it was my fault, I was boring him, he didn't even want to be married. It was my fathers fault." Josephine continued to ramble. "I always thought of Simons hatred towards our father as foolish, but I do believe I hate the man more." Josephine finished looking at her hands intertwined with Anthony's.

"He is dead to me Anthony. He broke my heart." Josephine whispered finally letting a tear drop onto her cheek.

"He is a scoundrel, a weak boy." Anthony spat out, fuming. Josephine was left cold as Anthony tore his warm hands from hers, standing swiftly.

"Don't do anything stupid." Josephine called as Anthony made his was to the door.

"I will do what is just and honourable." Anthony replied over his shoulder as he pulled over the door and punched William Cook straight in the throat.


Hope this clears it all up!
He's a cheater. And that's the tea

Anyways let me know what you think!
Sorry it's been a hot second :)

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