6-Follow Your Heart

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"Time flies" or it really does. That's true, tour was about to end and time really flied. Just a week and few shows were left to end the journey.

"It's my time...oh yeah..it's my time and I'll figure it out..oh it's my ti-"

Shawn suddenly stopped singing as he saw something hit a truck producing a small sound. He was just wandering in the parking lot, humming the first song he ever wrote. Reminding himself that he'll achieve everything he wanted in his life cause it was his time. He was determined. He moved towards the wall from where he heard small voices like someone was sitting there. He peeked through the wall to see the familiar tiny girl sitting on a sidewalk. Wearing a skyblue crop top and jeans, her back was turned towards him, as she was trying to make the mountain of pebbles. Shawn watched her braid hanging from her shoulder as she was leaning down to set pebbles who kept falling. He watched her with a smile from behind like she was the most entertaining thing for him.

As his eyes were set on her small figure so focused on what she was doing, his mind was battling that whether he should interrupt her or not. Finally the mischievous kid in him won and he bumped into her from behind suddenly making her scream in shock.

"Shawn what the fuck, you scared me..." She said placing one hand on her chest with heavy breathes. Her pebbles fell over as her knee hit on it in a sudden movement.

"What were you doing?" Shawn laughed sitting beside her on a sidewalk.

"Nothing I was just bored, so I came here." She said placing her both hands behind her on ground for support.

"Why alone, you should've asked other girls to spend time with you."

"I didn't want to bother them and actually I just wanted sometime alone to think."

"Think about what?"

"Think about music, my life ahead you know." She said looking up in the sky while lost in her thoughts. "Shawn what do you want in your future life." She asked turning her head towards him.

"I-" He sighed. "I want to play my songs in big arenas in front of thousands of people who would come to listen me..I mean- only me." He clarified.

"You write your own songs right?" She asked and he noded. "How did you come with the idea of writing your songs.. I mean you could've sang the songs written by other people."

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I just used to do covers and one day my dad told me that I should write my own songs. So thanks to my dad I guess." He said smiling at her.

"Your dad is really supportive then."

"Totally." He said and noticed she went into deep thoughts. "What are you thinking about?"

"I just.. actually I also wanna write my own songs." She revealed finally.

"Oh great, go for it then." He told her with excitement.

"It's not that easy Shawn." She sighed. "Whenever I tell this idea to my bandmates, they just brush me off, saying that it's stupid to think like that."

"It's not stupid at all. You can be a great writter I think." He assured her.

"You think that cause you're so sweet Shawn but I don't think I'd be able to do that. I'm in a girl band. I'm suppose to wear nice costumes and dance on stage with other girls, that's it." She said in disappointment.

"I don't think so.. you're a singer and everyone has the right to do whatever they want in their life." He said looking at her face trying to diminish the disappointment in her tone.

"Yeah maybe, I told Austin that one day I'll do my own tour and he just laughed at me."

"That's why you're upset and sitting here alone?" He asked and she didn't say anything which made him understood. "He's really an asshole for not believing in you." He spat.

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