11-Losing My Patience (Part-1)

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"My flower! Cry my child, you'll feel better." Sinu softly told Camila while caressing her hair which were spread all over her lap

"I don't wanna cry for that dick." Camila told her mother, squeezing her eyes close.

"Camila your headache won't get better if you let your emotions die inside of you." Her mother told her in cute Spanish accent. "I knew that boy wasn't right for you...how many times I told you that but you didn't listen to me."

"Mama but you told me to find a boy for myself." She complained.

"But I didn't tell you to choose wrong one for you..how many other boys were on tour with you but you didn't pay attention to them."

"For example?" Camila asked slightly lifting her head up to look at her mother.

"Like Shawn...the sweetest kid and he seemed to be interested in you too."

"Come on mama, he's just a sweet Canadian dude..if he's nice to me, it doesn't mean he's interested and he had the girlfriend at that time." Camila said frowning with pain in her head.

"Had? means now he's single and you've a chance with him."

"Can you please stop this Mama..We are just friends.."

"Camila I saw the way that boy looks at you and it's not all friendly, the boy likes you for sure." Sinu insisted trying to convince her daughter.

"Whatever Mama, if he really likes me then he would tell me." Camila said flipping over to lay straight on bed keeping her head still in her mother's lap.

"Yeah he will but you have to be considerate."

Before Camila would've responded to her mother, a knock on the door intervened their conversation. Sinu got up to look at the door and was more than happy to see Shawn standing in the doorway.

"Hello! Is Camila alright, I wanted to see her." He said hesitantly knowing that her mother might mind her daughter meeting a boy at almost midnight. What he didn't know was  Sinu would mind anyone to meet her daughter but Shawn.

"Why not Shawn, come in." She offered.

"Shawn!" Camila squealed as she saw him entering the door. "I thought you wouldn't come." She said in surprise getting up from bed.

"I told you I would come..didn't I?" He asked smiling at her. Sinu looked at both of them and took a sign to leave them alone.

"I'm going to my room..if you kids need something just call me, I'm in the next room." Sinu told mainly focusing on Shawn. Both noded and as soon as Sinu left Camila hugged Shawn without wasting a minute.

"Shawn what did I do to deserve a friend like you." She said clinging to his waist burrying her head in his chest. Shawn was caught off guard for a second but then he slowly put his hand on her back, caressing it gently.

"Hey!" Shawn said noticing Camila's soft body still in the position. "You deserve every good thing in this world." He said but her body didn't motion. Realising something wasn't right, he slowly pulled himself away, holding her head to look at her face.

"Are you crying?" He asked in surprise as he saw tears falling from her eyes, making her beautiful face glow in wetness and eyes red full of hurt in them. Looking at her like that broke his heart in million pieces. He couldn't see crying someone who he really cared about and seeing Camila like that, Camila whom he always saw laughing and making weird faces, was extremely heart wrenching.

"I think I am." She said with a laugh and he could easily detect the pain in her laugh.

"Oh Camila..please don't do this, I can't see you crying like that." He said putting her head again on his chest, feeling the softness of her silky straight hair by moving his fingers in them. He moved her towards the bed while she was clinging on him and sat their making her to sit with him too. He held her till she cried her heart out and was just left with sniffles.

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