28-Hurts Me To Hurt You

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Shedding few tears, Camila started listening his album again. The album which he sent her two months ago, was about to release this month. When Shawn sent her the album, she didn't pay much attention to the real meaning behind his songs. She was in honey moon phase of her brand-new relationship. But now when Shawn had confessed his love, she couldn't help but think that how his songs were narrating their own story. She told Shawn before how much she loved his album, thinking of some other girls in his life he may liked, denying the fact that the girl was her. She was the one but she didn't know anything.

Now when she listened, every song was showing her a new meaning. Some of his songs melted her heart but she didn't turn soft reminding herself that how he let her go in the past. It's his fault that he wasted the time in thinking. Wasn't he sure about his feelings like Camila did. But whatever it was, she was extremely angry with him for confessing his love at such a wrong time. Now she had someone else to make her feel loved and cared. He could date and sleep with as many women as he wanted cause now she didn't care.

"Mija! Who are you listening for so long?" Sinu asked as she saw her daughter busy in listening music for almost two hours.

"Shawn." She told without hesitation. After meeting with Shawn, she told her mother everything he said to her. Sinu was upset cause she wanted her daughter to date Shawn but at the same time she wanted her to be happy and if Camila felt happy being with Matthew, she couldn't tell her to go for Shawn.

"Why you torturing yourself Camila..." Her mom said softly.

"His songs are so beautiful and now it feels like he was writing about me, where was he when I needed him, why he choosed other girls to hangout with, when he loved me and why he came back to mess with my head again when I was forgetting him and moving on......I fuckin hate him." She spat in frustration.

"Don't think too much hija! Just forget about it and focus on your life."

"What would you do mama if you've to choose between your bestfriend you know for years and your boyfriend..what will be your choice?" She asked.

"I would definitely choose my happiness Mija, whether it would be with my bestfriend or boyfriend." Sinu told her.

"Then I'm happy with Matthew."

"Whatever you think is good for you..I'll be happy, if you are happy." Sinu told her.


The end of April didn't go well for Shawn but May brought him alot more in life. His album was ready to release. The beginning of month, he had to attend the biggest Hollywood event Met gala. The star-studded event where people just came making sure they looked perfect and different from others, had alot means alot of pictures for press, had a little amusement, a dinner, chitchat mostly included so much industry related stuff. The whole event was basically for celebrities to show off.

It was first time for Shawn to attend an event like that and he was so nervous but he was grateful that Hailey was going with him in event and had promised to be by his side all the time. She was a model and knew how to behave in that kind of events very well.

"Why you're so worrying? I told you I'll be there with you." Hailey said laughing at him.

"Don't make fun of me and I'm not worrying, just self conscious." Shawn told her.

"Well how many times I've to tell you that a man like you has nothing to worry about. You are perfect and most handsome man I've ever seen in my life."

"Don't lie to me, I know you've been with so many hot guys." Shawn said grinning.

"That's why I'm saying it Shawn. Ok forget it..You just have to pose for press and meet people and smile all the time until your jaws start hurting or keep your face straight."

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