46- Hold You In My Arms

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Laying next to Shawn in her bed, Camila called his name twice politely but Shawn didn't even stir a bit. He was too deep in his sleep.

"Baby!" Camila now called poking his bicep.

"Hun" He said in his sleep.

"Shawn!! I can't sleep..."

"Hmm really" He groaned in his pillow and changed his side to cuddle Camila in his arms. "Now sleep." He told her burrying his nose in her hair as he closed his eyes again.

Camila shut her eyes and breathed his scent, trying hard to sleep but she couldn't.

"Shawn! I can't.." She told getting free from his grip which made him to open his eyes. "I'll watch a movie instead."

"Camila it's 1am.." He replied yawning as he got up to sit straight on bed with her.

"So what? I've to pass my time." She stood up from bed to go in a TV Lounge.

"Wait.." Shawn lazily got up from bed too. "I'll watch with you."

"Shawn you should sleep, it's ok."

"No..I want to.." He told rubbing his eyes as he came closer to her putting one arm around her waist as they made their way towards TV Lounge. "Which movie we're gonna watch?" He asked.

"Tangled." She said simply.

"Right I forgot." Shawn said with a smirk.

Since the day Shawn returned from tour, he didn't get enough sleep for even a single night. First night they spent partying at Julia Michaels birthday, second night they spent watching a basketball match in the stadium, the third night they spent was so tiring due to exotic sex and now the fourth night he just spent watching a movie which he watched a thousands time before. He took a little nap while Camila was too much into a movie but she kept bugging him to open his eyes to watch the cute scenes.

"Good morning Mijo!" Sinu greeted him sweetly.

"Good morning!" Shawn replied still half a sleep. Wearing black shorts and a black T-shirt, his hair were a mess and his eyes were red due to lack of sleep. Camila had a flight to Newyork in afternoon and he was already missing her.

"I made you pancakes." Sinu told serving the plate for him on a kitchen counter as he sat on a stool.

"Where's Camila?" He asked yawning.

"She's with Roger....to know about her work related schedule in Newyork."

"I see. How many days would you guys stay?" He took a sip from his coffee.

"Just two.. don't worry!"


"What happened Shawn, you seemed so tired."

"Nothing just lack of sleep."

"Why? You should take a nap after breakfast if you want."

"No I've to go for a workout. I'm not habitual to sleep after breakfast."

"Alright! but you need to sleep at night properly coz you're not looking well."

"Probably cause Camila won't be here."

"What? This girl.." Sinu groaned. "She didn't tell you..or did she?"

"About what?" Shawn frowned in confusion.

"About her anxiety."

"No..she didn't."

"I knew it..I told her to tell you but she said you're already so stressed due to tour and here she is giving you more stress by keeping you awake."

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