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Why do I even try
Give me a reason why
I thought that I could trust you, never mind

Why all the switching sides?
Where do I draw the line
I guess I'm too naive to read the signs

I'm just looking for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
Everytime I let somebody in
Then I found out what they're all about.....

Camila sang strumming the guitar, she didn't know much about the chords but she could play some of them though. She loved to play the lightest and softest chord progression usually which was easy to play but sounded beautiful in ears.

"Camila! Are you sad?" Sinu asked as she found Camila lost in her thoughts on the couch.

"I'm just tired mama...I hate LA." She said putting her head in her mom's lap which she loved to do.

"Did something happen? and you didn't tell me."

"I just don't like the people over here... everyone is literally fake." She said flipping on the lap to face her mom. "You know what I mean...I need friends...I mean genuine friends..I'm tired of being all alone."

"But you are not alone..I'm here with you and why don't you call Genny, if you feeling sad." Her mom told her to call her hometown friend.

"I talked to her but she's away..I want someone here with me, I want to share my thoughts with someone."

"You can share your thoughts with me..we are friends right." Sinu said smiling, caressing her hair.

"My best friend..I love you mama." She said like a little child hugging her waist.

Living in LA going to studio to work on album and coming back to hotel room, wasn't easy for Camila. People over there would only talk to her if they wanted something from her or related to work. Otherwise, they didn't care what was she going through, it was none of their business. But Camila wanted something honest. Like of someone asked her how she was doing, it wasn't for sake of formality but for the person really wanted to know how she was doing. She was just looking for some real friends.


"Your hair look good today." Hailey complemented smiling at Shawn through facetime. After hanging out in bar together, she also went to his concert and they went little steamy in Shawn's hotel room after the show. However both started texting each other more often and sometimes also facetimed each other to pass their time but he told her clearly that he'd be a good friend to her despite the intimate moments they shared in Italy which were hidden till now except from his tour team.

"Really!" Shawn said grinning and clutching his hair. "I think, I need to grow them little longer." He was busy in signing some posters for fans while Hailey was talking and admiring him from afar.

"I think you would look good in every hairstyle." She smirked. He turned his face to look at her smirking back when he caught sight of notifications on his phone.

"Shit!" He spat out little louder.

"Is everything alright?" She asked now with a serious face.

"Yeah! Actually..." He said leaving posters on side, picking up his phone which was set on the table. "Andrew is calling me..I've to go now." He lied.

"Oh! It's ok..I'll call you some other time, take care and have a great show tonight." She told him with a smile.

"Bye! Thanks." He said quickly shutting the call to look at notifications.

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