7-A Little Too Much

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"You look so stupid..why you making this weird face." Aaliyah said to Shawn as he tried to act on a music. "Now just follow me... see like this." She told him teaching him some moves as Shawn recorded the video, following her steps with the other hand.

"Shawn." Lauren called him, as she was sitting on a couch, busy in her phone. Christmas was just a couple of days away and Toronto was freezing cold.

"Hmm" He said looking up at her giving his phone to Aaliyah.

"I found something..." She told. "Your video from Radio Disney Show."

"Really!" He got up and sat next to her on a couch. Lauren gave him her mobile phone so he could watch the small video uploaded by some fan. When he was in LA for recording his album previous month, he also attended Radio Disney VIP birthday where many other young upcoming stars were invited including fifth harmony.

"Did you see it already?" He asked as he clicked to play the video.

"Yeah I saw you fixing the girl's bow." She told him in a lighter tone and he realised that the video was probably from the moment when he decided to join the girls and hugged Camila from behind, unconsciously touching her hair bow. It wasn't something he intended to do but he always felt so comfortable around her that he did things and said words which he shouldn't. After watching the video it got confirmed.

"Did you mind it?" He asked softly understanding her feelings.

"Nope, not exactly, I mean it's ok." She said smiling and he took a sigh in relief, smiling back at her while Aaliyah was busy in his phone. "Aaliyah be careful, don't mess with my phone." He warned.

"I'm not messing, I'm just playing a game." She told pouting at him.

"Okay but I'll take it back after few minutes." He told and she noded busy in playing the game.

"Didn't she break up with her boyfriend after a couple of days from that event?" Lauren asked snapping him out of his attention on Aaliyah.

"Who?" He asked pinching his eyebrows together and then realised. "Camila? yeah I guess so." He shrugged.

"What was the reason behind her break up?" She asked now placing her elbow on the back of couch with interest.

"I don't know."

"Why?" She asked.

"What do you wanna say? I just don't know cause I don't know." He shrugged again.

"I mean you were with her two days before her breakup and you know nothing, how is it possible."

"Lauren I just met her on stage, the whole interaction we had the whole time was shown in this footage and you watched that, otherwise I didn't get to talk to her and even if we get to talk why would she tell me anything so personal about her." He said in annoyance.

"You were looking so close to her though." She said putting back her elbow and sat straight while Shawn just looked at her with wide eyes. "Ok I was kidding, just chill." She told him to lighten up his mood.

"Lauren just don't ask me these type of questions again." He said with a serious look on his face.

"Ok calm down Mendes, I promise I will never ask something like that again, Is that alright." She said dramatically with a smile.

"Yeah alright." He told her not able to hold back his smile.


"Austin what's the big deal in it, I don't know why you making am issue out of something which had to be done sooner or later." She said in anger cause Austin scolded her for confirming their relationship in front of media without his permission.

"It wasn't a big deal but it was timing Camila..you know I'm a rising star, I have a huge girl fan following. I didn't want to upset anyone cause it won't be good for my reputation and career. You wouldn't understand that cause you're just a member of a girl group not a star like me." Infact he said that in a flow of argument but it stabbed her heart like a knife. She wasn't a star like him, was that true? She felt a real hurt.

"I can't believe you're saying that Austin, I loved you, I was patient with you even when you were hanging out with other girls after asking me to be your girlfriend. But it's enough now, if you don't want to tell everyone about our relationship then I don't want it." She said with hurt in her eyes.

"You don't want it really?" He laughed. "You are accusing me for hanging out with other girls but what you were doing? Now don't lie to me cause I know how you and Shawn were close. He even came to me asking about you when you got sick." He spat.

"He came to you cause he cared about me unlike you and don't even dare to do that to me, you clearly know that you were the only person i showed interest during the whole tour, I barely get a chance to talk to even Shawn." She declared.

"Okay fine..if you don't want it, then I'm not begging you to have it. We are over now."

"Of course you won't beg cause you'd get a free pass to hang out with girls." She spat in anger.

"Whatever Camila.. We're done, bye." He said before slamming the door, leaving her alone with broken heart but she reminded herself that it was good to go, she had other important things to do in her life.

Flashback over*

Camila snapped back from her thoughts as she heard the loud music playing in their van. She was in her way back to LA after spending her holidays with her family.


"I wanted something..like...about a girl Who's going through...like a hard time in her life but she don't wanna admit it and be like I can do this..I mean basically a strong girl." Shawn told Scott and Geoff who were sitting in front of him. As soon as the holidays finished, he went straight to the studio spending more time with writers to complete the album.

"You mean a brave girl who don't show her weakness." Scott asked.

"Yeah like I wrote..She would not show that she was afraid, but being and feeling alone was too much to face, Though everyone said that she was so strong, What  they didn't know that she could barely carry on." He sang strumming his guitar.

"Wow I liked that." Geoff said appreciating him and Shawn smiled.

"And then you wanna... like, console her in these lines." Scott said reading the lyrics he wrote in his journal. "Sometimes it all gets little too much but you gotta realise that soon the fog will clear up." He read them directly. "By the way who's that girl you're writing about." He finally asked.

"A girl I met on tour, I mean she's really nice." Shawn told him shyly.

"She must be Camila." Geoff spat.

"Dude how do you know that." Shawn asked in little bit surprise.

"How wouldn't I..she was the only girl you paid attention to, during the whole tour otherwise you were constantly spending time on stage or in your bus." Geoff told him.

"I think it's good that you've a new muse for your music now, you know it's very healthy for a writing process." Scott said and they all got busy in composing the lyrics solely written by Shawn himself.

Except the fact that he started working out in gym regularly now, the whole month he was working his ass off on his album, in the studio. Recording the whole masterpiece cause they had plans to drop it in April before Taylor Swift's tour would begin. He had to do cover shoots and other recordings for the promotion of his album so he only got a time to finally go back to his hometown after two months of constantly working. But when he went back, he was glad that he had a chance to get to see Camila again in his own city. She was in Toronto due to their Reflection tour. But soon he had to leave again for promotion interviews as the days for the release of his album came near.


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By the way it's really hard to fit everything in exact same timeline with right time of events😓

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