𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫- 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭

691 31 37

1265 words

He knew he had work to do. There was a neat pile of papers and files on the kitchen bench, just waiting to be touched and turned into a stressful mess.

Thomas rubbed his thumb absentmindedly across his boyfriend's stomach as he thought. He could get up now and go do it. That would free up the day tomorrow to spend with Newt. Or he could go back to sleep and have a stressful day tomorrow, causing Newt to have a stressful day.

He sighed. Do it now. Get it over and down with.

Thomas sat up slowly, carefully untangling himself from the blonde. Newt whimpered in his sleep, trying to curl up to Thomas.

He caressed Newt's face with his hand, slowly soothing him back into a deep sleep. Then he pressed a quick kiss to the boy's forehead.

Thomas found his shirt on the floor and pulled it on, still wearing his grey sweats.

He walked quietly from the room, out into the dark apartment. Thomas felt his way through, careful to not make too much noise, or turn on the light and wake Newt.

He felt his way along the bench and to the dining room table. There was a lamp on the table beside the couch. Thomas carefully picked it up and turned it on, setting in on the bigger table. He tiptoed to back to the bench and grabbed the pile of papers.

Thomas laid everything out on the table and sat down. The pile of papers looked bigger than before, a tower of work to grade.

The brunet sighed and grabbed a pen. He set to work. One grade after the other. Keeping his mind focused on the task at hand.

After about twenty minutes of this Thomas's head began to throb. He was hunched over the dining room table. As he knew it would the paperwork was strewn across the dark wood, files and photos clattered into awkward piles to make room for the page he was trying to fill out.

The pain in his head moved to the back of his sore eyes and he desperately wanted to let his head hit the table.

But he couldn't. There were grades to be written, files of new students to go over, work, work, and more work.

Thomas glanced back to his bedroom. His eyes lingered on the door longer than he'd intended to. Thomas wanted nothing more then to crawl back to bed, burying his head under the blankets and wrap his arms around Newt.

But again, there was paperwork to be done. Thomas checked his phone. 3 am.

"Fuck," he groaned.


Thomas's head whipped around, his eyes easily finding the owner of the voice. His boyfriend, Newt, was slowly emerging from their room.

He was wearing one of Thomas's shirts which was too big on him and hung down halfway down his thighs. He'd also stolen a pair of Thomas's old basketball shorts. His blonde hair was standing up on one side of his head.

Thomas smiled adoringly at the him. "Maybe later."

He turned back to his work and a few seconds later felt a thin pair of arms wrap around his chest. Newt rested his chin on Thomas's back, his lips pressing against the exposed skin of the brunet's shoulder.

"Newt I have to get this done," Thomas said quietly.

Newt just nodded, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before moving his arms and walking tiredly to the kitchen.

Thomas frowned as he watch the blonde fill the kettle with water and put it on the stove. Newt rested on the kitchen bench, crossing his arms under him. He smiled sleepily at the brunet.

"Baby, go back to bed," Thomas said softly. Newt shook his head, lifting the kettle to pour the boiling water into a cup. He threw a tea bag in the cup of water and cocked his head at Thomas, still smiling, looking half asleep.

"I thought you needed to get that done."

Thomas watched the blonde for another minute before returning to the papers. Stacey got a C... Dylan got an A-... Thomas looked back up at his boyfriend.

Newt was taking slow, tired sips of his tea. Thomas frowned and stood up slowly, walking over to him. Newt put down his cup and opened his arms sleepily. Thomas wrapped his arms around he blonde, letting Newt rest his head on Thomas's shoulder.

"Why're you up?" he asked the blonde quietly.

Newt hummed. "Can't sleep. Bed's too cold."

Thomas frowned and pulled back a little bit. "I'll be back in a minute. You need to sleep Newt."

The blonde shook his head. "I won't be able to go back to sleep unless you're there. Might as well stay up with you."

Thomas gave him a small smile. "Well unless you'd like to help me grade papers there's not much to do."

Newt smiled sweetly at him. "That's okay. As long as I'm with you."

Thomas smiled and kissed Newt lightly on the forehead. The blonde grabbed his cup of tea and carried it to the couch with him. Thomas sat back at the table and tried to finish his work as quickly as possible.

He heard Newt humming softly as he sat curled up on the couch. Thomas smiled, grading the few pages he had letters . He finally finished and put his pen down, sighing.

The brunet stood slowly and walked around to the back of the couch. Newt looked like he was about to fall asleep again, but his head perked up when he felt Thomas's presence.

"Hey Tommy," he whispered, his voice slurred with sleep.

Thomas smiled and ran his hands through the boy's blonde curls. "Hey baby. Wanna go back to bed?"

Newt shook his head slowly. "Nah. Can we stay up a little longer?"

The brunet nodded and went to sit down beside his boyfriend but Newt shook his head a little faster and stood up. He wrapped his arms around Thomas's neck before he could say anything. The brunet's arms automatically went to Newt's waist, pressing his body against his.

Newt rested his head against Thomas's chest, holding his ear against the brunet's shirt. Thomas rested his chin in the dip between Newt's neck and shoulder.

The two boys gently swayed as they stood in the middle of their dark, empty apartment. Their breathing was a soft music to sway to, their heart beats syncing as they held each other. Thomas's hands slipped under Newt's shirt, his fingers tracing light patterns onto the pale skin.

He hummed against the brunet's chest. Thomas pressed a kiss to his forehead before scooping his up, holding him bridal style. Newt's arms were still around Thomas's neck, his head still buried against Thomas's shoulder.

Thomas carried Newt back to their room, carefully turning off the lights as he went. Newt's cup, half full of cold tea, was left on the table beside the couch.

The bed was unmade and cold when Thomas laid Newt down. The lights were still off and the window was still ajar, just enough that a cool breeze crept into the room. Thomas crawled into bed beside the blonde, instantly feeling his muscles untense, his body relax into the softness of the mattress.

Newt rolled over, already half asleep, and buried his head against Thomas's neck. The brunet smiled and put his arms around Newt, pulling him to his chest.

He rubbed his hand across the blonde's back, using his soft breaths to fall asleep, wrapped in a state of pure bliss.

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