I dont have a title

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Aizawa POV
I kisses his jaw line and he put his head on my shoulder (haha that's a song go check it out it's literally called put your head on my shoulder lul) hugging me tighter. I held his hands and tiredly smiled at him leaning my head backwards. We stood there for a while when he loosened his grip on me. "I'm sorry for yelling Sho I didn't mean to hurt you, it just hurts me to know your harming yourself" he said with a tear rolling down his cheek. I hug him around the neck and pull him close

"It's ok Zashi I know it's a habit and I'm sorry I didn't listen" I said with a small smile. "I love you Shota" he said smiling with his annoyingly cute grin.

"I love you too"
(Please please please tell me what POV to change it too because I don't want to run out of things to wriiiiiiiiite

Love y'all)

Yamasho Dadzawa Mode {present mic x trans! Aizawa}Where stories live. Discover now