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Yuki POV
As I awoke I see Shouto on the ground and Midoryia holding both of our wrists. I big wave of pain shot through my arm as I saw a pink girl shoot acid at the blonde villain. I screamed from the pain as I am yet again, knocked unconscious.

Poor Yuki
Kiri POV
I see what's going on and I'm freaking out. Everybody is fighting, Midoryia is somehow a villain, Uraraka is dying, Mina is back, ALL the Todoroki's are on the ground, and Bakugo look DEAD!!!!!

I don't know what to do so I look at Aizawa who has appeared out of nowhere. He gives me a worried look and uses his capture weapon. He ties everybody standing and fighting, as in the villains, Endeavor, and Midoryia.

"Shit" I hear Midoryia mutter as he dropped the siblings he was grasping. Dabi then woke up, he was a good guy.... right?

Dabi POV
As I wake up tied in Aizawas scarf thing, I start to freak out. "Shouto! Yuki! No I can't loose you two again where are you!" I screamed as I turned around to see them both on the floor and Midoryia being held above them. I look him dead in the eyes.

"I-I'm sorry boss I didn't think they mattered to you that much forgive me!" The bastard screams for mercy. I ignore the fact he wants me to back down. "Did you do that?" I point to there bodies. "Y-yes sir" he says willing for me to hit him. Honestly, I didn't care about him, and why is he calling ME boss?! Shigaraki is his boss.

I felt a tear roll down my face. "Did you kill them?" I ask and he looks at me. "No sir I just knocked them." It still broke my heart...... but I think my heart has broken enough.

There's another one lol sorry if it was sad and short but I tried


Yamasho Dadzawa Mode {present mic x trans! Aizawa}Where stories live. Discover now