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     Magic-talons loved her dragonet. She loved it more than the moons themselves, when her precious dragonet hatched, Magic-talons knew everything would be perfect. A perfect nightwing family with all the food and moonlight they could ever want. 

     She ran her talons lightly over the shiny black surface of the egg, breathing in the scents of the jungle. Rainseer would be amazed too. She was sure of it. Taking her precious egg in her arms Magic-talons flew back through the thick rainforest toward the village to show her mate.

      She pushed aside the moss hanging loosely in front of the cave entrance. "Rainseer? I have a surprise!" Her Husband rushed into the room, with a few scrolls in talon, and a surprised expression on his face. "Isn't it beautiful!" His astounded expression quickly changed into a look of pure joy. "We did it! A dragonet! Can I hold it?" Magic-talons carefully handed over the egg to Rainseer, who stroked its shell gently, then proceeded to lay out a bed of furs and silk blankets, setting the egg gently inside.

      He lit a small fire to keep it warm, then beckoned to Magic-talons. She sat there tail curled around her husband and her egg, A ray of moonlight flickered across the happy family, and Magic-talons felt a rush of joy so strong, she felt like the moonbeams were coming right from her.

      Nearly two months later Magic-talons and Rainseer took the egg to the local healers, to check its hatching date, and if it was healthy. Panic shot up her spine, what if her egg was like her, what if it had the animus curse, she clutched her egg closer to her chest,  as if to suck all the magic out of it, and triple checked the harness was still secure. 

     Upon entering the healer's hut a doctor wearing a satchel and a small pin with the medical symbol that was deep purple with little tear drop scales by his eyes greeted them, and took them to a back room for egg examination.  Magic-talons gently set her egg in a nest of soft blankets that was made up on the doctors table "The egg was laid the about two months' ago correct?" Rainseer nodded in response at the same time as Magic-talons said, "the eighth." "great! it will probably hatch between June 13 and June 16."

      The dragon rested his talon on the eggs shell in about five different places, each time his face grew sadder. "What! Why are you looking at it like that!" Rainseer's face was even more panicked then the doctors. "Is our dragonet all right!Then he had a vision. 

     Magic-talons had enchanted a necklace for each of them so that if Rainseer had a vision, She would see it to, that way if something bad was going to happen, but they were separated, Magic-talons could get their egg to safety, but this vision wasn't a dragon taking the egg, or hurting it, it was herself, the egg was cracking, a tiny dragonet crawled out, a beautiful nightwing dragonet, Little tear drop scales just like her father's glistened behing her bright green eyes that reflected the stars, Her snout looked just like rainseer's and her thick black tail was adorned with lighter green scales that looked like diamonds against the obsidian colored scales, but something was wrong with it, when it breathed it took huge gasping breaths, its eyes were wide with fear and tears, her dragonet looked up at her and muttered a single sad lonely coo, then it died, her precious dragonet died, its heart accelerated, then abruptly stopped, its loud breathing cut of as quickly as it had come. Her future self sat there for hours weeping clutching her dragonets tiny lifeless body, those green eyes seemed to be gazing at the sky, her tiny talon rested on her mothers, and her body was doused in tears, Rainseer was nowhere to be seen.

Another headsplitting vision came crashing down on her, in this vision the same dragonet was clutching her talon, making cooing noises, in this vision the dragonet was alive, it was healthy, flashes of visions of her and the dragonet, learning to fly, catching butterflys, swimming, playing hide and seek. but all these visions had something in common there was no Rainseer. Another vision flashed through her head, this one was longer than some of the others. "mommy why are we here?" asked her precious daughter. "oh my darling skygazer, this is where your father sleeps." The dragonet gazed upon a stone, words were engraved in its smooth black surface.

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