CHAPTER 1 the disguise

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      Junebug spread her large black wings feeling the sun beat down on them, throwing rainbows off the flashing green and silver stars. Her emerald green eyes closed her oversized claws sunk into the sand. This didn't feel right. She ran her talons over the jewel firmly planted in her shoulder, flicking her useless tail back and forth. Her reflection gazed back at her an angry scowl was etched into what seemed to be the waters surface. A short black snout and those green eyes looked back at her oh and don't forget the unmistakable frown.

       she watched a little lizard scamper over the sand and up a palm tree, her stomach rumbled. Her wrists flexed. All her natural weapons were gone, all her mother left her was her mind reading and nothing else. Her agility? Gone, her weapons? Gone even her beauty not that she cared about that. She was a big dark spot in a big white desert probably the most obvious thing for miles.

     Letting out a sigh she flew off from the oasis an annoyed expression on her face these wings were not meant to fly for so long. She missed her old wings well at least her mom hadn't made her disguise as a scavenger, she snorted to herself. Hours later she thought she saw the end of the desert, hoping it wasn't another stupid mirage. The heat slowly subsided and within a couple minutes it started to feel chilly. 

     The pale sand was still blowing about but now there was more rocky hills. The borders of the ice kingdom, were much more intense then she had imagined, or maybe it was just this stupid nightwing again. She stopped to pull a woolen scarf from her satchel and landed to wrap it around her neck and shoulders, a startled yelp escaped her throat as she felt the icy surface of the rock she landed on. 

      a couple pathetic pieces of dried fruit was the only food she pulled from her satchel, suddenly she regretted eating her only three papayas at the oasis, and regretted even more not taking the few coconuts and lizards that would taste great right now. She looked around the rocky landscape for any sign of prey. She found nothing but rocks and mounds made from sand and snow piled on... yep more rocks.

      Hmph she watched her breath for a minute, it was kind of cool to see her breath, like fog, well she best be going. She spread her wings and took off towards the heart of the ice kingdom. The great ice cliff was coming into view. It loomed over her, suddenly she didn't feel so big, remembering the stories about how it would instantly pierce the heart of any dragon who didn't have icewing blood. She hoped her uncle, one of the smartest nightwings in her town was right and that it wouldn't hurt her. She did after all have the same enchantments even if her appearance was different.  She flew over the wall, holding her breath as she crossed. Nothing, she was still alive, an involuntary sigh of relief escaped her throat turning into a cough. This part of the map was much colder than the distant borders fighting to be the dominant climate. seeing as how is was a border to the sand kingdom.

      A tiny snowflake drifted in front of her nose. A couple of icewing guards looked up at her but didn't go near her. Foreign guests of the queen weren't all that uncommon seeing as how a recent animus had modified the wall to let in dragons with invites from the queen, and they would most certainly get suspicious if she flew right over the palace. She let herself veer a little closer and flew down towards the looming ice castle. The icewing guards turned their attention back to a dragon flew by sporting a bright moonglobe.

      down below some dragonets were being scolded by their mother, one sandwing waited in line by the palace looking exceptionally cold and nervous, rumor was queen frostbite was not a forgiving dragon. Her wings tilted and she pulled herself back up towards the ocean and over the ramparts laying across the back side of the castle, No guards were on duty on this side of the wall. Apparently queen Frostbite wasn't the smartest either.

      She glanced down at the thinning homes now it was more flat tundra than city. she would meet the ocean soon, luckily she wasn't going all the way to Pantala because she was feeling more and more tired by the second. her island destination was only about four or five miles from shore

      two days had already passed and only one day the one partially spent at the oasis she had gotten a good night's sleep.  Coming down towards the ocean to try to catch some fish and maybe start a fire.

      the first thing she would do once she reached the island would be to sleep oh and possibly eat an entire whale, she remembered the hatchery rhyme about the dragonets of destiny and how the mudwing was always hungry. Her stomach growled again yearning for food, she caught a small and pitiful fish at the coastline of the ocean where the ice was thinner and put it in her mouth chewing the rubbery stuff and spitting out the bones . She flew up and snatched a seagull that would taste much better. Now it was time to make a fire... She felt her throat warm up, until it started to hurt. Flame shot out her mouth onto the dead bird.

      "Well that was... uncomfortable." the fire she had managed to create had quickly died, but had successfully charred the seagull. She popped the blackened meat in her mouth then made sure her claws and snout were clean and that her scarf was still tied on right she flew into the sunset towards the island that would soon be her home.

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