CHAPTER 2 the island

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The first thing Junebug noticed about her new island home is that it was big, much bigger than she liked, and much bigger than she had expected, her expectations were letting her down today, her wings felt like slush as she slowly lowered herself onto the biggest island in the area, she half hoped this was the right island, the other half of her was dreading it. Large snowy peaks seemed to be sleeping, and below them a tropical forest spread across nearly a third of the island. beaches that stretched for miles surrounded the land mass before spiking up into jagged rocks. dotted with patches of sand that must have been swept up in the harsh wind. homes and small villages were obvious all across the island. A palace where the queen of the peacewings had to live towered high above the largest city, New Sanctuary. she dove straight down towards the water, wind whistling in her ears, if her mother was telling the truth she could be herself here without getting weird looks, or hearing ugly thoughts. Her wings tilted up at the last second and she soared toward the nearest beach, Her talons barely grazing the water before it turned to soft black sand. She was alone, No other dragons seemed to be there, waiting for her, or otherwise. She carefully opened her mental ears looking for any signs of another dragons mind, or even a scavengers. An image of herself flashed through her head, giving her a split second to prepare herself before another dragon barreled into her. She reached for the garnet ready to be rid of this disguise and fight, before hesitating and realizing that....
OW! It yelped, and rubbed her shoulder. She looked down (down!) at it, it was a dragonet, light pink and adorned with red and green stripes all down her back and tail. A deep red sail ran down her back speckled with light green and yellow, the same yellow speckles were across parts of her snout and the shell surrounding a sharp red tail barb partially covered by green spikes. her wings were a pretty light red that faded into dark green, her long tail curled at the end after splitting off into uneven forks at several points. Her eyes were a dark purple color that shined like glass and reflected Junebug's own green eyes in the evening light.

The little dragonet gasped and widened her shining eyes, She swished her forked tail like a dog and grinned wide enough to show her tiny little fangs. Her wings and ears perked up in sync, revealing a sort of half wing that was red and webbed through with green. She was definetly on the right island. The island of the peacewings a tribe of almost complete hybrids.
The little pink dragonet backed up just enough so she could look up and examine the new dragon on her home island.

"oh hi! I'm strawberry are you new I've never seen you plus your such a pretty color I love the stars on your wings, and the green diamonds on your tail, what was your name again? My mommy says I talk too much and that I annoy dragons, but you just look surprised maybe its cuz of my pretty stripes, do you like them? do you? do YOU?"The little dragonet bounced on the pads of her talons, and her tail swished faster and faster waiting for Junebug's response. random thoughts circled around the dragonets head too fast for Junebug to process, she caught the words, stripes, pink, hiccup, and random flashes of bright colors, including green, pink, tangerine, and some Junebug couldn't even name.

Junebug needed a second to catch her brain up on the little dragons jabbering, "well I'm-" would it be smart to say her name? Probably wouldn't hurt, this island was going to be her home for quite a while, and it's not like this dragonet could do anything with it... "I'm Junebug, and um your stripes are very nice and all, and um sorry that your mom thinks your loud?" she said not feeling sorry at all, "oh that's ok! So today I decided to come out here and find shells but out on the beach, and I found this one big clam shell but I can't even enjoy it because its cold down here on the windy beach, your lucky you have a scarf, oh! and a bag... how did you get the pictures on it? my mommy made me a bag. I heard her tell daddy it may get me to shut up. But I don't mind I still LOVE IT! I love presents, I love giving presents too! Especially when I get to tell the dragon ALL about them! oooh look a monkey wanna come look with-" Junebug cut the little dragon off feeling amused at how easily distracted she was, one part of her brain registered the fact that, this trait would make her an easy target, very gullible, but she pushed this thought away telling herself that a tiny pink hybrid wouldn't ever be a danger and perhaps a friend, a noisy one, but still, it's not like she had many options, at least not before.

  "I can't Strawberry-" Strawberry started to open her mouth, but Junebug quickly continued before she could speak "but maybe we can hang out later I gotta go register for training. Don't you guys do like partners and school and stuff? "Oh ya! We do! well... I don't.... but.... can I come with you anyway?" Strawberry looked up at her with big sad eyes. "err... no sorry I think your too young, " she dropped her cute face made a very pouty one instead, "awwww, I wanted to do training, and catch monkeys, and hang out but I'll see you later!" "uh yes see you later!" the dragonets face lightened up a considerable amount after that and Junebug couldn't help but smile.

as she walked across the black sand beach the pads on her talons felt cracked and sore from the earlier cold, but she couldn't show any signs of weakness especially to the leader of the training facility. She wondered if there was a leader or if the queen herself took care of it, she realized she knew almost nothing, except that she had to be there by tommorow evening, her mom and dad had convinced the queen to let her go here when she was old enough, that was nearly two years ago and now it was finally time. looking over her shoulder she saw the little pink dragon bouncing around the beach and heard her humming to herself loudly, She held a string and was fastening various seashells and bits of kelp along the frayed cord. feeling slightly happier she pushed away the first plants of the near jungle, The black sand turned into more mud and foliage. she shoved a fern frond out of her face and smiled as a large shiny beetle flew in front of her face, it was a June beetle, maybe she did belong here. She trudged deeper in her feet getting stuck in the mud well it was better than more ice. The plants grew taller and thicker, and though she had never felt claustrophobic before she was starting too now. a mosquito buzzed in her ear and she felt an itchy rash start to build up in between the softer scales behind her wrist Every time she took a step a large squelching sound could be heard, she probably sounded like an elephant. Instead of soothing her scales though the mud made them feel itchy and gross. Tangled tree roots stuck up from the mud dripping with greenish water, frogs fell silent as she tromped and squelched closer to them. Luckily for her the icky goop started to thin, and tho there was still the scent of decaying plant matter hanging in the air, the trees here were greener, more life could be heard all around her. The sounds of wild cats, birds and monkeys met her ears. It reminded her off the village that she grew up in that resided in between the rainforest and the large mountain range where the ancient school was, that had been running for nearly six generations. Large fruits grew on the surrounding plants and a couple sloths and more monkeys rested In the trees above. One made a shreiking sound when she walked through, she growled right back at it and it gave her a dirty look, at least as dirty as a monkey could muster, and scrambled off through the trees to look for a smaller and less annoying target. She remembered when she was a tiny dragonet how she would fall asleep listening to these birds. the plants and more sand that had been blown up by the wind were soft beneath her talons. She was so tired, but she couldn't fall asleep now it was almost sunset. Orange light filtered through the trees towering above her, it bathed her black and green scales washing over her, warming her freezing wings. She allowed herself to stop for just a second and enjoy the warmth, the colors, the sounds,

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