CHAPTER 9 possibility

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     Nearly a week after the disastrous first day of school Junebug got a letter from her mother and father. She was sitting in her windowsill like usual and sketching out a picture of Saguaro sleeping. She was especially proud of how realistic the his snout was.

    Saguaro looked up from his homework over at the sketch of him sleeping. "Wow. Umm, why are you drawing me sleeping?" Junebug took her quill and added a peaceful expression to his lightly freckled and sandy snout. The quill was a very expensive one that was made from the feather of a rare parrot. Her mother had given it to her for her fifth hatching day.  "Well. I don't really know. I guess it was just a fun challenge. I havn't drawn a dragon sleeping before." Saguaro dipped his claw in the deep purple ink. One she had discovered how to make on one of her fruit expeditions and added a very crude drawing of Junebug sleeping next to him. She laughed and used her own claw, rather than the quill to throw stars across the two dragons wings and the sky. Saguaro thought about adding Strawberry. Junebug rested her own talon on his. Only the two of them belonged in this tranquil drawing. Not even the moons could intrude. The sky was left to the stars. residing in Saguaro's mind's  eye was the expression she had had when he thought she was sleeping. His purple stained claw did it's best to form the expression on his drawing. She could almost hear the wind blowing. Almost see the cracked leaves swirling around her talons. Almost feel Saguaro inching closer to her. Looking for warmth. And she almost inched closer. Ready to give that warmth

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! A boom resounded around the empty room scaring them both out of their wits. Saguaro jumped to his talons and shoved the curtain out of his way. A scowl on his face.

Junebug followed, wondering who had knocked on their door, and interrupted their drawing. A dragon with long thin legs and a bag full of sealed scrolls greeted them as if they where the ones knocking. "Oi. I have some mail for... A Junebug?" Junebug pushed past Saguaro's leg and looked up at the purple dragon who was speckled with large yellow and green freckles. All across his neck shoulders and sides. "That would be me..." The letter had to be from her family back home. Or maybe Strawberry. She seemed more like the type to come personally though. She held out one purple talon. Her scales were a deeper purple. More regal. He looked kind of like a bird. That was his name. Honeycreeper. What a strange name for a dragon. His thoughts were normal though. 'What a weird dragon. Why is she looking at me like that. I wonder how old she is...' He set one of the sealed scrolls in her hand. Her name was inked carefully in her father's handwriting on the binding. "Don't say it. I'm not a dragonet. And thanks for the letter."

"eh? I wasn't gonna say anything?" She raised her brow at him. "Please. Don't lie." An interested and slightly annoyed expression crossed his face. Saguaro nodded his thanks than closed the door as Honeycreeper turned. Flashing his whip thin tail. "Hey. I know it's not really the time. But I just realized something. When we first met. Err... At the training center. I thought I saw some smoke from your scales, was I just seeing things?" She remembered this. "Well yes you did. See smoke not start seeing things. Sorry i'm not keeping secrets really. I just forgot to mention it. Here I will show you. Umm you might want to step back. She grabbed one of her uglier drawings of an apple. She felt her light yellow scales Start to warm, it didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable. Not the feeling of fire between her scales. That actually felt good, it felt great. It was the fact that setting things on fire could ever make her feel anything but horrible. The drawing in her talon burst into flames. The flame trickled down the scroll and across her talon down her wrist and up her arm. Saguaro's face quickly became panicked. she quickly let, or more forced the firescales that rested amongst her stripes cool. The happiness her scales had felt was fading. She needed another source. She craved it. Saguaro's eyes were warmer than any stupid firescales. That could be her source.The fire stopped spreading. She felt her throat mucsles contract a small amount of frostbreath was exhaled and the fire ridden scroll almost instantly died. charred and blackened paper flaked apart. Bits of frost encased its center, quickly turning into a yellowish water. As for the white paper. It looked like bones melting. Saguaro looked ready to throw up. His dark eyes darted between Junebug and the destroyed scroll. Junebug took deep breathes through her snout. She felt upset. And wonderful. And in pain. She felt like a queen. No a beggar. NO She needed to feel like a friend. She needed to stay here with Saguaro. "could... could you..." his voice was barely a whisper. "do that to... a.." His already low voice cracked. "A drag- dragon...?"  A look of pure horror crossed her face. The horror was inside her head as well as obvious on the outside. "A dragon? Never! I wouldn't! No! I was just showing you! How could you think that!" But even as she said it. That part of her that craved the burning feeling. That caused the need for her thought safe. Savored the idea. Of defending her queen. Of killing for her. She wasn't a dragon... NO... SHE was JUNEBUG. Not a dragon. Yes she was! NO! YES! Her head seemed to split. Her spikes stood up. She didn't even want to know what color her scales were right now.  She screamed. She didn't even realize it. "Junebug! what- Are you burnt! What's going on!" She felt her legs buckle. A flash of herself snapping a dragons neck cycled through her head. Then another one. A more faint vision. But it was there. That same dragonet. She still couldn't see it. Not well enough to know who it was. "Saguaro. Saguaro. I'll be ok. I'm sorry. I panicked. Sometimes when I... well sometimes I get upset. Let's just read that letter.

She picked up the letter that she had set on one of the book shelves. And held it out so that Saguaro could see it too.

     Dear Junebug, This is from you're loving mother and father. The queen is asking you to come home in a few months. She is worried that you won't want to come back. Yes, she did find the picture you drew of her without a head. That was highly innapropriate. And now she is angry. She is also worried you may get too attached to some of the dragons and want to stay with the peacewings. We both know that of course you will want to come home to us. Please write back soon. The queen thinks that she found the right general to train you. Better than the peacewing system. If you made any friends the queen says it's acceptable for you to write. But only write. She seriously doesn't want you to get attached. She won't tell us why. Rainseer is having trouble with his visions. But nothing more serious than some migraines. Nothing that some homemade concoctions won't cure. The visions themselves are strange. They are quite tangled. If you have any luck with your's please include them in the letter. And again. You must come home. I havn't seen the queen acting this upset in a while. Apparently one of her seers saw a future where you didn't come back to her. I think that on top of the drawing is whats making her so upset.

                                                                                         Love, Rainseer and Magic-talons

Saguaro frowned at the letter. Junebug wiped at a tear. She had only met Saguaro a few days ago. She was already more attached to him than any other dragon. She couldn't deny it. They were best friends. She couldn't just abandon him. He took the letter from her. A dumbstruck expression on his face. "But- but- you just got here? Your supposed to have three more years of training? You can't go! I need you here? Your the only one who makes me..." The rest of his sentence wasn't spoken out loud, 'makes me feel... truly happy.' "Me too. Saguaro. You make me feel happy too. I'm not going I promise. I won't lea-" Stranger than strange. More visions. She had never had this many in one day. This time the first vision was fainter. But still detailed. Still a possiblility. A vision of herself, leaping on an icewing. She used the same move she had on Saguaro, looping the dragons wing in her silk. She used flamesilk. A deep burn was left across his diamond like wing, He exhaled his deadly frostbreath across her scales, she didn't even flinch. Instead she turned and spit her own deadly  attack, rainwing like venom directly into his eyes. He was dead within seconds. Along with dozens of other dragons who tried to confront her. A silver icewing with long blue stripes. A light blue one with beautiful pale yellow underscales. All of them were dying. Thanks to her. She clutched her head and let out a pant. She could see her own eyes in Saguaro's pupils. Wide, Scared, and glowing with horror. She started to speak but another vision engulfed her. That same dragonet was cradled under her shiny green wing. It still wasn't completely clear, but when it looked up at her. She saw her eyes. They were clearer than anything Junebug had ever seen. They were perfect. The most perfect face Junebug had ever seen. One eye was a the darkest brown, even darker than Saguaro's with flecks of handsome gold. The other was a brighter than the moons themselves and shined a green more beautiful than Junebug's own, that had gotten so many compliments. This dragonet was the other path. The result of if she defied her mother, Defied the queen. This dragonet was the path that led away from all that darkness and death. She was that small possiblity that she could stay here with Saguaro, A long dark hard path to find her, to find the possiblity of love and happiness She was named possibility, no not named, that wasn't right. She WAS possibility. That wasn't just her name. That was everything about her. She would grow to be the most kind and beautiful dragon on Pyrrhia. She would be a new possibility, a new hope for every dragon she met. This tiny little dragonet with those large and different eyes, different. Not just different but better. More pure than anything else. Nothing had ever been so perfect. That's why no other dragons had these eyes. Junebug loved this dragonet. She didn't belong to her though. She didn't belong to Saguaro. Junebug would never claim a dragon as Ashheart had. It didn't matter if this dragonet, who wasn't even born yet was the creation of her choices now. No Junebug pushed that dark side of herself away. The freedom of this dragonet was her promise to cleanse herself of any trace of Ashheart.

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