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     No biting, that was one of the rules posted on the chalkboard. 'No BITING, CLAWING, or SCRATCHING, except during assigned battle classes.' school was going to be harder than Junebug thought. How on earth would she go a whole DAY without biting one single stupid dragon who called her a dragonet. The purple and yellow dragon, it turns out was NOT their teacher, at least not for this class. The teacher of this class was a dragon named Arthropod. She had long thin legs and thick brown and black scales her white underscales were speckled with yellow, and her horns were long and thin with a single silver ring on each one. She had short yellow antennae, and pure black eyes, slightly darker than Saguaro's, but these eyes were more like the color of tar, they would suck you in and never let you go, unlike Saguaro's eyes, that reminded Junebug of warm inviting chocolate. Yellow freckles were showing behind each eye and across her snout. Black zigzags ran down her neck and shoulders, and her tail was tipped with a thin bee like stinger. "Hello class. It's nice to see you here today." Her unnerving gaze flickered across each student for a mere millisecond, each student squirmed and looked down at their talons for much longer.

     Her gaze finally rested upon Junebug, "I'm afraid you're in the wrong class dear, this class is for six and up, would you like me to show you to the younger dragonets class." Though her words would sound kind to most dragons. Her tone of voice was disapproving. "No, i'm in the right class don't you worry." Arthropod raised her brow at Junebug. "Dear, don't lie to me. Now come, we are going to the correct class." She stood up from her desk abruptly and whisked herself over to Junebug's seat, Arthropod grabbed Junebug's forearm. A snarl leapt out of Junebug's throat, "LET GO OF ME," Arthropod leaned down so she was looking eye to eye with Junebug.
"Now little dragonet, you do not want to yell at me. You don't want to get in trouble do you?" Junebug stood up from her seat, the teacher rose with her, thinking she was rising to come to the 'correct class' Well she was about to figure out what Junebug's true intentions were. "I am not a dragonet. Do NOT call me a dragonet, I will have you know that I am seven and six months old. And if I wanted to, which I do but I am going to restrain myself, I could rip your face off." Junebug tore her forearm from Arthropod's grasp and growled once more in her face.

One dragon in the back, one with rust colored scales and light blue eyes, looked like he was ready to faint. Another dragon gasped and whispered to the dragon sitting next to her. Most of the class just mumbled and shifted nervously. Saguaro stole a glance at Junebug, a concerned frown on his sandy colored snout.

     "Oh dear, my mistake. Since you are so much older and stronger I assume you can handle five more scrolls of homework?" Saguaro looked like he wanted to protest but knew better. Arthropod's mind was positively laughing, laughing! She was HAPPY to give students five more essays! Ripple shook his head sadly, and the rust colored dragon clutching a little pouch hanging on his neck, muttered to him self, rocking back and forth on his moss seat. Junebug had only known anthropod for five minutes. Junebug was sick of her already. "Oh, dear" Junebug said haughtily, mimicking arthropod's tone "I suppose that was MY mistake wasn't it, to question such a witty and powerful teacher, I suppose SHE can handle my paralyzing barbs no doubt? And of course, she would be fine after experiencing firescales, frostbreath, rainwing venom, flamesilk, sandwing venom, and icewing claws, and maybe she should know, I can read her stupid thoughts, and see many futures where she does not happen to dwell?" Arthropod stared open mouthed at Junebug, before hissing out those annoying words, "headmaster's office...NOW!" Junebug calmly raised herself from the moss she was sitting on, and headed to the door, Her wings were held high, and she made sure that Anthropod, and anybody else who thought about teasing her, could see her tail barb.

The headmaster, was way, way, way better than arthropod. He was a light blue dragon who had small, pale yellow wings. His eyes were the color of falling rain, dark gray with light flecks. He had a single scroll pouch slung over his wings, and no other jewelry. A wooden placard sat on the edge of his desk, the desk under the placard was the only space not covered in a scroll or book of some sort.

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