CHAPTER 5 secrets

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The next day Junebug woke up feeling absolutley exhausted and in no way ready for... literally anything? Saguaro was still snoring below her, so she climbed down from the top bed, spreading her wings for balance, careful not to wake him, and avoid his drooling. She stuck her head through the moth eaten curtains, and noticed there was a window seat behind them. She pulled herself up onto the cusiony surface, trying not to tear the fabric with her back claws as she scrabbled up. a pile of books and scrolls was leaned up against one of the window panes, the little room was shaped like half of a hexagon, and beautiful light shone through each window, reflecting off Junebugs scales. It was so amazing after being trapped in a dream of darkness, and hopelessness. Junebug decided she would sleep here tonight. With the moons shining across her scales, just like the night she hatched.

     She curled her tail up underneath her and folded in her star splattered wings, tucking her chin into her talons, the spikes that were normally rigid with anger, or fear slowly relaxed. Her antennae drooped and let herself  to sleep, not a single nightmare pursued her.


"HWAAAAAAAAHaaaaaaaaaaah" A humongous yawn escaped Saguaro's throat, he wondered if junebug was awake yet. he peered over the top of the bunkbed half expecting to get snarled at but found that it was empty.  It wasn't even made up and a golden hoop earing with an emerald in it was laying on her shelf alongside the keys to the room and a small potted plant. A few brave birds twittered outside. He tried to blink the gunk out of his eyes, wow this room was boring, a few dusty bookshelves and a single wooden desk was the only furnishings that encircled  him. Maybe some light would make these depressing surroundings seem a little better.

     The curtains were boring and brown with a few holes, with frayed bottoms. he pulled them aside and instead of a window he found Junebug curled up in a little compartment that lay behind the curtains. The tiniest of snores escaped her mouth, and her tail was tucked up underneath her wings, an adorable expression unlike any Saguaro had seen in real life was tresspassing on her face. She looked like... a dragon, not a toe biting monster who would tear you apart. She looked like she actually possesed happiness and kind feelings, she looked... beautiful. A small smile crept up to her lips. One bright green eye opened. "beautiful am I? thanks your very handsome when you sleep too, I mean I might be hard of hearing after a couple of nights trying to sleep through those snores, but it was worth it for the drool bath." She shook her wings imitating a dragon drying off.

      Saguaro scowled at her and selfconsiously wiped the corner of his mouth. "Oh come on, I don't snore THAT loud do I?" she made a scene of cupping her ear and saying. "sorry what did you say?" then burst out laughing. Saguaro couldn't help but laugh with her. "C'mon my mom owns a restaurant wanna go get breakfast?" Junebug looked mildly surprised that he had tried to be nice to her, but then she fixed herslef back into her royal posture and looked up at him, "thanks I would love to!"

     Saguaro didn't hold grudges well, and he knew from experience that this was true. When he was younger his "best friend" had tugged on the end of his ear during art class, Saguaro tried soooo hard to be mad. By the next day they were laughing and playing in the sand again.

     Junebug quickly climbed up and grabbed her earing and the keys, then after reaching the floor skipped ahead of Saguaro with her venomous tail tip curled up neatly behind her. On the way to the market where Saguaro's mom cooked, one random dragon gave them an odd look but didn't say anything. Another patted Junebug on the head and told Saguaro that his baby sister was so cute. That dragon might be limping for a while. "I hate it. I hate it so much when dragons think of me as stupid or naive. JUST BECAUSE IM SHORT" Saguaro privately thought, (then immediatly regretted it) short, a bit of an understatement don't you think. Saguaro barely missed the swipe aimed at his shoulder. and then sadly for him didn't miss the one going for his snout. "Ow! Sorry all right!"

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