CHAPTER 6 Truths, Tales, and Friendship

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Saguaro stared open mouthed at Junebug. That couldn't be possible, a SCAVENGER that wasn't that couldn't be the truth. The corners of Junebug's mouth turned up and her eyes grew slightly wider, her brow creased. At first Saguaro thought she was choking, and then, to Saguaros surprise she burst out laughing. "You-you ACTUALLY thought- you thought-" She opened her snout to gulp down another laugh, and ended up unleashing another series of loud and in Saguaros opinion annoying giggles.

After nearly five minutes of laughing and wiping the corners of her eyes, Junebug managed to hiccup out the last of her amusement under Saguaros disapproving, and highly annoyed gaze.

"Ok-Ok I'm sorry all right! I couldn't resist!" Saguaro raised a brow at her and poked her with his talon, Saguaro noticed that he kept his slightly serrated claw curled, even though he hadn't meant to. Junebug curled her own claw, which was much sharper than Saguaro's and reached towards his face, but pulled back at the last second.

Saguaro cleared his throat, and looked Junebug in the eye. the look on her face almost seemed embarrassed, but then it returned to the previous smug manner. "Ok, now you will ACTUALLY tell me the truth right..." She pulled the blanket around herself and nodded her head, her royal purple and gold scales turned a more deep red color, not the color of just anger, but the color of a loathing so strong, Saguaro couldn't help but inch slightly away from the murderous expression on her face. Her claws flexed in and out, and her paralyzing barbs slid neatly out of her wrists, Saguaro noticed the barbs that unparalyzed the victims did not follow.

He remembered the other day, when he had been angry, the roots of his anger, had been shallow, easy to dispose of, as shallow as the roots of the cactus for which he was named. this dragons anger ran deep, to the center of her soul. Saguaro guessed that this anger had affected her life for many years, and if her plant had roots, they would most certainly be touching her core, a plant thats roots touched the center of the planet, of her soul. As far as Saguaro knew there was no such plant. Junebug was the only one. Junebug was the only one of a lot of things Saguaro now realized. Junebug was the only dragon of her kind, unless she was a nightwing, the only dragon who's roots touched the core, as far as Saguaro knew, and Saguaro's only friend. She was the only one who kept talking to him even after he hurt her. She was the only one who made Saguaro feel good, feel needed.

Junebug took a deep breath and slowly slid her barbs back behind her fifth claws. Her scales, the color of dried blood, relaxed into an uneasy lavender, tinged with crimson. Saguaro noticed her spikes that had gone rigid, still stood high, and ready for an attack. "Junebug, it's-it's ok you don't have to tell me." Junebug looked up at him an unreadable expression on her face. Like a mix of relief, defiance, and fear maybe? "No, you have to know, it's better if you know. I want-" She clutched her head in surprise, or maybe pain. "Junebug?" she shook herself, some more splotches of red, this time the color of fresh blood, starbursted along her spine.

"I'm ok, that was weird, I don't usually have visions... not unless it's really important..." Saguaro found that he wasn't much surprised that she was a seer as well as a mind reader after all she was everything else too, except maybe mellow. Luckily for him she chose to ignore this thought. "Was the vision bad?" an image of his sister flashed through his head, then his mother. His father, and his little cousin Strawberry and her father followed.

"No it didn't have anything to do with them, it was actually a dragonet." a dragonet? Hopefully it wasn't in danger. "It was strange I couldn't really make out it's face. I just knew it was special, that I had to protect it." Saguaro pulled her blanket back over her wings, it had come off when the vision came. He tried to suppress a shudder 'when the vision came' sounded awfully creepy to Saguaro.

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