CHAPTER 7 understanding

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The night spent sleeping in the window, was the best night spent in a long time. For both Junebug and Saguaro. Nothing infected her dream, a wonderful dream of her, Saguaro, and her mother and father playing senet. She also vaguely remembered an image of Strawberry jumping up and down and shouting about... she couldn't really remember the rest of the dream. All that mattered was that is wasn't more nightmares. Saguaro was having a peaceful dream about sandy colored butterflies flying around the dessert. Junebug could hear some dragonets playing outside. She rose and stretched her large, (at least comapared to the rest of her) metallic black and green wings. The pinkish silver stars caught the light flooding in and bounced it around the room. How interesting, she could even create rainbows.

She tucked back in her wings and arranged her red and gold pillow to be propped up against the window sill. "Hey, sleepysnout. Didn't you say we have school for REAL today?" Saguaro slowly opened one eye and grumbled something about butterflies. He then realized that today was his first day of school. He rocketed up and blinked his eyes a little, before rushing out and nearly tearing the curtains from their hooks. "SCHOOL! YES FINALLY THE FIRST DAY OF REAL SCHOOL! AND MAYBE EVEN NO MORE CABYBARA, BECAUSE HE PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN PASS THE EXAMS LAST YEAR!" Everything going on inside Saguaro's head was just as excited for today as everything he was screaming out loud, in Junebug's face. "Three moons Saguaro, how long have you been waiting for school?" Saguaro was already half way threw his breakfast, some leftover soup from yesterday, before Junebug had even completely woken up. Which was rather strange because she was awake before him. "I have been waiting..... five years? im six and I met Capybara when I was one. So..... yes five years."

"Ok, well did you save any food for me?" Saguaro quickly threw a random piece of fruit straight at Junebug's face. She caught it with one talon and looked back up at Saguaro, who was now done with his soup and stuffing random pieces of paper in a scroll bag. "Didn't you go to school before though? and whos Capybara." Junebug hadn't met him yet, and Saguaro hadn't really thought too much about him. Except apparently today. "Capybara is the most frog faced, camel humped- you know what if he gets in you'll have the not so pleasurable opportunity to meet him, if he doesn't consider yourself lucky.

Saguaro's thoughts were mostly things like 'school! a new chance to make new friends!' and 'what if they have COOKIES' and 'I hope they don't tease me- or Junebug for that matter' and other silly thoughts about silly things that didn't matter. She took her own scroll bag, one she had embroidered images of the rainforest animals on, with her own silk, and carefully put the correct textbooks, some blank scrolls, and her keys into it. She made sure that, unlike Saguaro's bag it didn't contain her half eaten breakfast. She popped the fruit in her mouth. It was ok, she hadn't had this kind before though which was surprising because, back home she spent her free time embroidering, and looking for new fruits to try. This fruit tasted kind of sweet but it was also very acidic. It reminded her of a purple pineapple.

"Come on let's go im so excited!" Saguaro shoved one last book into his bulging bag before bolting forwards and almost slamming into the locked door. "You forgot your keys, again." He shoved his snout into his scroll bag then quickly latched it again before turning towards his bed and grabbing the key off the shelf.

The other students were talking and running about in front of their appartments. One flew off in the direction of the school, talking to her friend as she flew. Junebug noticed Ripple the strange dragon who Saguaro had waved to in the cafe was walking towards the school with a very annoyed look on his face. Junebug wondered if it was because he couldn't fly. 'Stupid lazy little twerp I can't believe i'm partners with him.' Ripple's partner who was apparently a lazy twerp was now pinching Ripple on the arm. 'what a dork, he can't even fly. Well i'm not going to be late for school because of him!' Ripple now couldn't decide if he was annoyed or relieved that his partner had abandoned him. "HEY RIPPLE! wanna walk to school with us?" aaand great now Saguaro was volunteering her to dragonet sit Ripple. Ripple looked up to see who called his name, and came bouncing over towards Saguaro a delighted grin on his face. "Thanks! I can't believe my partner left me to find the school on my own, well I can believe it, but it's still rude don't you think?" Saguaro nodded and said, "Ya, he's Pondwater right?" Ripple wrinkled his snout and spread out his long and thin wings, then mimicked, "Ohhh I'm Pooondwater i'm soooo amazing and cool, and I could fly to the Moooooooons if I wanted toooo."

While Saguaro laughed along with Ripple, Junebug continued to eye the passing dragons. Junebug usually blocked out all the noise and commotion, she wondered if she would be able to today with all the noise and excitement about a new school year. She silently put up a mental barrier, ahhh quiet... 'Oh darn my books spilled!' for ten seconds? No she would definetly not be able to have a quiet day. Junebug, Saguaro and Ripple walked the whole way to the school, which wasn't physically hard for Junebug, but the fact that Ripple and Saguaro talked the whole way, was a bit of a mental strain. "Oh my gosh Saguaro you got a new scroll bag I love it so much!" Saguaro beamed at Ripple, "Thanks! I like yours too!" Ripple put on a winning smile and looked down at the boring, non-special, most generic scroll bag, that he was carrying under his half formed wing. "IT'S JUST A SCROLL BAG" Ripple looked down at Junebug who was scowling up at him. "Oh who are you?" wow, he hadn't even NOTICED her. Just wow. "I'm Saguaro's partner."

Ripple laughed and patted her on the head. "Aww Saguaro is this one of your cousins or something? She's so cute!" Saguaro flashed Junebug the 'don't bite my oldest friend look' and then said to Ripple "I wouldn't-" that was the moment that Junebug decided to ignore the 'don't bite my oldest friend look'. She sunk her sharp teeth into ripples forearm, not hard of course, he didn't even bleed, but it was enough for him to get the message. "OWwww what the- what was that for!" or maybe he didn't get the message. "I'M NOT A DRAGONET! DO NOT CALL ME A DRAGONET UNLESS- UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO BITE YOU!" Ripple didn't even look offended instead he said. "Ok, i'm really really sorry that I called you a dragonet. Also you already bit me." His words and his thoughts both gave the impression that, he actually felt really bad. "What the- usually dragons just scowl at me and walk off grumbling when I bite them." "Well, i'm not most dragons, most dragons tease me, because of my wings." he stopped and pointed at one of his thin twisty wings. "So I think I understand how you feel." Well, great now what was she supposed to say. "Ummmmm thanks I guess but im still not apologizing for biting you." Ripple didn't even flinch instead he went back to doing something that he actually needed to apologize for, gossiping with Saguaro. The rest of the way to school Junebug tried to ignore the chatter, and the terribly annoying minds of other dragons. Instead she thought of what ripple had said to her. 'I think I understand how you feel." She got the impression that he was telling the truth, but there was no way he understood how he felt. He wasn't the way he was because it was his mothers only choice.

As they reached the front steps of the school, Saguaro was still finishing up a conversation about the softness of toucan plumage, when what Junebug assumed was a teacher stepped out onto the platform about the stone stairs. He was dark purple with yellow stripes. four bat like wings were resting on his back. A pair of Golden rimmed glasses that kept sliding down his snout decorated his face, and a single extra horn that lay under his right horn, was wrapped in silver chain. Various pieces of silk and metal jewelry and art were on his tail, two main horns, talons, and neck. A black and gold lined tattoo ran down his neck. Though his thoughts were focused on the students at the moment Junebug guessed he often daydreamed about treasure. "Hello students! My name is decorator crab, welcome to the academy! Here you will make new friends, learn and battle train with your partners, and overall have a great time!" decorator crab cleared his throat and smiled down at the students, his chains and trinkets swayed when he moved. "Now! let the learning... BEGIN!" with that he opened the wooden doors with a swift move of his adorned talon, and stepped aside as the flood of dragons surrounding Junebug all started moving towards the door. Saguaro winked at Ripple and Junebug, he then shoulder bumped her ackwardly, for he had to stoop, and said, " Like he said, let the learning commence!"

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