(51) Childbirth 2.0

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I can't believe I let her go alone. I should be there with her. It was not very smart of me to let a heavily pregnant woman walk to the other side of the castle alone while in active labor.

I am a fool.

I step in a puddle on my way to the physician's office. What are the odds that came out of Rae?


I burst into the room just as it appears Rae is about to start pushing. "I've looked all over for you-" I try to remember the lines she fed me before she left.

"Hush. The Queen is having her baby. Just come hold her hand and talk to her. This is not going to be easy. The baby is breech." The physician calls me over to his table. He has no time for my lies.

"Breech?!" Both of us ask at the same time.

"Get this thing out of me!" Poor Rae shouts as another contraction takes over her entire body. She squeezes my hand, surely leaving fingernail marks in my skin, as I place the other on her forehead.

"Breathe." The physician continues trying to help our baby out of her. "Breathe." She screams and does as she is told. "Breathe." This bay does not seem to want to come out of her. The physician was able to help the baby flip over but it seemed as if his head popped back inside just as quickly as it began to come out. "Breathe." It is not until the next big push that the baby began to fully exit Rae. The physician pulls the baby out and lays him on Rae's chest.

Rae cries as the new baby cries in her arms.

"I love you." She stares into his eyes and strokes the tiny bit of hair on his head. The baby falls silent. There is not a sound in the room. Just silence.

"He is beautiful." I smile. Though, he is not the only beautiful person I see.

Michael's chapter is literally half as long as Rae's simply because he didn't push a baby out of him.

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