(66) Suitors

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Queen Raeanne

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Queen Raeanne

Men from all over the world have flocked to Estonia in the wildly unrealistic hopes of winning over my heart and asking for my hand in marriage.

Without either of my parents to impress, all these princes and kings have to fear, is me.

They chose the one year anniversary of my coronation to arrive and steal my heart.

Surely they have all heard the horror stories of my reign thus far? How could they not? Let's see, shall we. First we had the attack on my wedding day. Then we had the death of my kid brother and the almost failure of a treaty with England because I was too blind to see through my rage. And we can not forget that one time when my husband was murdered by my own mother who I subsequently put to death. Then another attempt was made on my life that very nearly succeeded and the castle was taken over by insurgents for nearly a week.

Yeah. And that's just the big stuff.

"I'm just saying, after a coup like that, it's pretty clear you are impossible to defeat. You are the indestructible queen." One hopeful young lad tries his hand at flirting.

I smile and take another sip of my drink. "You know, the titanic was once called indestructible and look how that tuned out." I laugh as he is suddenly no longer interested in wooing me. "It sank, in case you didn't know."

I set my empty glass down on a table and look at the room filled with my potential husbands. Though mother is not here to set up matches for me, they still somehow continue to come to court me.

I can't wait to turn every last one of them down.

I am tired of suitors coming into my castle and asking to marry me. As far back as I can remember, I had potential matches brought to me. Imagine being a little six year old meeting a boy your parents want you to marry in 12 short years.

I am much more interested in watching Michael play with our child in the corner. Almost a whole year old now, Henry is fumbling with his legs, learning to walk. Michael holds his hands and helps him find his footing.

How the time flies when you are with the ones you love.

It is no longer secret that Michael and I have fallen hard for each other and have a desire to marry. Everyone knows of our love now. It was time to share our secret. Michael is not a dirty little secret of mine. He is my soulmate. We are destined to be together.

Now it is just a matter of figuring out how to do it.

Though I am a queen and have the power to change the laws in my country, I am nothing without the noblemen of my country's approval.


Entertaining all these men from foreign countries is a complete waste of my time when the real man of my dreams is standing right in front of me. He is everything I have ever needed in my life. He completes me.

The country is still rejecting the idea of me, a queen, marrying a him, a commoner. Though Michael is no longer a common boy and has a title now, that is not enough to convince the nobles of his worth.

The meetings with the men in charge of my life are never fun but they have been increasingly less fun when talking about the man I love.

My position is the most powerful in the land. They still believe I need to marry for strategy rather than love (something they say they would entertain if I was "past my baby-making prime and could not safely secure another heir).

Do you think Rae will be able to succeed in her wishes to marry a Michael?

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