(49) King

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A soft yet rapid knock at my door causes me to get out of bed. I wonder who could be knocking on my door. I suppose I will just have to open the door to find out.

I yank the wooden door open and am immediately taken back when I see The Queen standing before me. What has she come to see me for? She gave me the day off in light of her mother's death.

She enters and shuts the door behind her. "I need you." She guides me over to the bed. She shoves me down and pulls her dress off for me. My eyes are plastered to her bear skin as I pull my clothing off as well. She stares at me intensely. "I love you."

She sits on my lap and wraps her arms around me, lust growing in her eyes with every moment that passes between us. She kisses me, teasing me when she pulls her lips away.

I nearly forgot how much I loved her before this moment.

Her fingers slide down my bare torso, her long fingernails tickling my skin. "This time," she leans closer to whisper in my ear. "I'm in control." She stands off of me and allows me to lay down on the bed so that I am ready for her. I like the idea of her being in control of what we do today. It intrigues me. It was not like that the first time our bodies met.

She climbs on top of me, pressing her lips against my neck. She hovers over me for another brief moment before sinking down onto me.

I grab the sheets beneath me as she finds a rhythm that works for both of us. Rae does not take her eyes off of me the entire time she moves. I can tell she wants this experience with me to be intimate.

I grab on to her hips to help guide her. She smacks my hands away. "None of that." She smirks and begins moving faster on top of me.

She gazes up at the ceiling. I buck my hips forward, wanting the feeling to confound as she begins to slow down. She smiles with pleasure as she is finally able to finish.

Being with her sends me into euphoria.

I moan as I climax while still inside her. I have never not been in control before. That was a new experience for me.

"Oh god!" She screams.

"Yes!" I smile, pulling her closer to me.

"No, Michael. I-" she shakes her head, pulling herself off me and curling up in the bed.

"What? What?"

"I think I'm having a baby!" She screams again. This time it is very evident that she is in pain.

"Oh, okay. Uh. Okay let me call for help to get you to the physician."

"No!" She grabs my arm. "How are we to explain this? Me: naked in your bed?" She squeezes her eyes shut in pain. "Hand me my dress." Her breathing is hurried.

I find her clothes and quickly help her into them. These things are so complicated. When will someone come up with a better design?

"I will get there myself. Wait a half hour then arrive, stating you have looked all over for me, that you have important business to discuss."

"How will you make it there yourself? It is all the way across the castle."

"I will find a way! Michael! Gahhhh!" She doubles over. "Please get out of my way."

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Can you believe the baby is finally on his way? How do you feel about it?

Impossibly Normal [Book 1 of 4]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang