(47) Mighty

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Queen Raeanne

If there's anything I've learned from the past hour, it's that I am in control of my destiny. What I say, goes. I control everything around here. I even had the power to end my mother's life.

Staring at her lifeless body before me has given me a sense of purpose in this world. I wish to end corruption in the government. Corruption she fueled every second she was alive.

A sense of power has washed over me as I stare at her in the coffin. She seems like just another nobody when she is in that box. She no longer has any power over me.

I should feel guilty. I should be sad. But I am neither of those things. Though I do regret one thing: letting her live a moment longer after finding out she killed my brother.

I let her live long enough to hear her plead for her life and try to explain to me why her choices made my life better.

How could killing a child make my life better?

I wonder what she would do to me if she had the chance now? Or to my unborn baby if she knew the true father.

"Mother," I sigh and grab on to the top of the coffin door. "This baby is a bastard child. The king of Spain and I did not create him." I admit to her lifeless body as I shut the coffin for the final time.

Getting that off of my chest felt great. I know she will not tell anyone because she simply can not speak. She can not ruin my life the way I have surely ruined hers. She can not harm me because of the secret I have told her.

The secret will be buried with her.

I stare at the closed coffin. No one must ever see the body inside. No one must ever know that I ordered my mother's beheading. It would mark me as a queen without mercy. I do not wish to be labeled as such. I would consider myself a very merciful queen. When it is deserved, that is.

I turn away from the coffin and walk out of the room. The funeral will begin soon. I do not want the guests to know I have been in here already. Only select people will be able to come to the funeral. I don't want to make it a big deal. She doesn't deserve her funeral being a big deal. If I was able, I wouldn't invite anyone at all. I would simply have her buried in a very quiet ceremony. Even that she would not deserve.

Before shutting the doors, I turn back to look at the coffin one more time. This is it. She really is dead. She can never do me or anyone else harm ever again. She has been wiped from this earth.

What will I do now that everyone who had power around me is dead? Who will I turn to? Who will I look to for advice? Who will I love?

I shake the thought away. What am I thinking? I must be absolutely mad if I think I need someone to look after me. Who do I think I am? I am powerful. I am strong. I am mighty.

I am not a princess, I do not neeed saving.

I am a queen. I have this under control.

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Short chapter for you guys. I wanted to give Rae an 'enlightening' if you will in this chapter. I needed her to seem and to feel as powerful as she really is. I hope you like it!

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