(20) Stress

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Queen Raeanne

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Queen Raeanne

The very second I open my eyes, I see at least a dozen people around me, all around my chambers. "What happened?" I ask, lifting myself up on to my elbows to see everyone at once.

The room is dark, except for two candles lighting small areas on either side of my chambers.

Most of the people around me are my servants attending to my clothes and bringing food to my chambers but I notice my mother and the King are also in here with me as well.

"You fainted my love. How are you feeling?" The king kneels at the side of my bed. He places his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

How long was I out cold?

"Dizzy." I reply honestly. I am in the safety of my chambers. No English men are around to see my weakness as a queen. My servants are sworn to a life of secrecy. My husband and mother would never spill secrets to anyone. I know that anything I say in here will go no further than my chamber doors.

"Would you like some water?" My husband asks, holding my hand with both of his. I nod, feeling that water may be able to help my gruesome headache as well as the terrible dizziness I am feeling. "Fetch the queen some water!" He orders one of the servants. She nods and leaves the room immediately. "The man responsible for giving Henry the poison letter has been captured. He waits his sentencing down in the dungeons. Surely he will be hanged but I saw it fit to have him alive for you to speak to."

I nod my head slowly. The murderer's capture is good news. However, it does not bring Henry back. He is still dead and I still feel empty.

"In light of the misunderstanding between you two, the English diplomat has re-written the treaty. Do you wish I speak to him for you while you recover?" The king asks.

Suddenly everything comes back to me. The anger and emotion I felt after hearing the news of my poor adopted bother's fate. The pain I felt in my chest upon hearing the words leave my guard's mouth as he told me the information. Nothing can describe the knot that built up in my stomach when I realized it is my reign that brought the end to his wonderful life and that I am the sole reason he is dead. Had I not been crowned queen, he would have never been given that poisonous letter. He would still be alive and running around the castle halls playing his little games.

Poor little Henry. He is still gone and I am still here. I wish it would have been me instead of him. Had the assassination attempt succeeded in the way it should have, my cherished little boy would be sleeping along side all of his favorite stuffed animals in his comfy little child sized bed right now. I would gladly trade my life for his in a heart beat; if I was able to, that is.

I shake my head in response to my husband's question. "I will speak with him myself. I should be there to personally apologize for my earlier actions. I had no right to lash out at him like that." I lift myself up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. I topple over, violently spewing the entire contents of my stomach on to the red carpeted floor next to my feet.

"My queen," the king places his hands on my shoulders and sits me upright. His concern for my health is evident in his gaze towards me. He truly cares about my well-being. I admire him for that. I do appreciate his kindness in all of this while I am in my worst state I have ever been in my entire life to date.

"The queen mother and I will see to it that he, as well as all of the English soldiers he brought with him, are well taken care of until you are feeling well enough to speak with him yourself. We will be back in a short time with news of what it is the Queen of England desires. In the mean time, you need rest my dear wife. Today has been a challenge for you. Stress no more today." He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and stands himself up. "Get this cleaned up immediately!, he motions to the floor next to my bed as a servant rushes over with a rag and bucket.

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