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I woke up. I didn't feel anything, all I saw was a ray of light shining straight into my eyes. I am in the middle of a forest, but I'm not deep into it, since I can see the same sidewalk and that street sign I fell asleep next to.

Wait a minute.

As I look down to my wrist, I can see fading teeth marks stamped into it. I look at it shocked, unable to breathe, scream or cry. As I try to comprehend what happened, the realization hits me hard.

I became a vampire. Not a fully grown one, since I got bitten only... hours ago?

I don't know how much time it has passed, so I try to stand up, only to fall back onto the ground. I feel woozy, like I am about to fall asleep again, but I wont let that happen.

So I bravely stand back up, and find my way to the street. I don't see many cars, only a few parked ones.

As I begin to walk toward my house, I try to summarize what just happened. One of the few vampires left marked me as one of them, but why me?

When I think about my reaction to this, I don't think I feel any different than my usual self, it's like... I was somehow always meant to be one of them, one of the creatures of the night. I try to remember what they thought us in school about vampires and other supernaturals. They always warned us about not getting close to any of them, and if we get scratched or -bitten- we should go to the nearest hospital to stop the so called "horrible throbbing pain". Which I don't feel at all. How come I can walk in the sunlight? I look down at myself, and I see no burn marks. Is everything that they taught us in school about vampires a lie?

Oh no. No, no, no. School. I won't be able to go to school anymore, since they don't let any "creatures of the dark magic" as they call witches, werewolves and other supernat's. So how could I expect to go to school?

Finally, I am standing at my house. Since it's Saturday, mom, dad, and my brother Matt are home.

When I open the front door, I see everyone in the living room, panicked and walking across the room.

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" I ask, noticing their odd behaviour.

"Halls? Is that yo-" my mom doesn't even finish her sentence, when my brother approaches me, grabs me by my shirt's collar, and slams me against the wall. Strangely, I don't feel any pain.

"What are you doing?! Matt, put me down! What is wrong with you!?" I shout, completely startled and scared of him.

"How do you know my name creature? Who are you and what have you done to Hailey? I want answers now!" he says, tightening his grip.

At last, my parents come between us, pulling Matt away from me. I slip down to the floor, but quickly stand back up again. Too fast, apparently, since my family backed down for a few steps.

"Hailey? Have... have you been... bitten... by one of Them?" my mom asks "What happened to you?"

The moment I open my mouth to speak, my dad starts shouting.

"I don't care what happened, okay?! My daughter or not, you will keep away from us normal people. We did nothing to you! Is this some way of you rebelling against us?!" he yells, shielding my mother and brother with his body, although Matt tried to get past him to attack me once more.

I stand in shock, not believing what I just heard. Rebelling?!

"What? How- how could you even think I got bitten just to spite you?! This changes my life just as much as yours, if not more! Look, I don't know what happened, I was walking around the block yesterday, and something bit my arm hard, so I passed out! The minute I woke up, I came here, looking for some support!"

"Wait, yesterday?! You were missing for two days, we were meaning to call the police! Good thing we didn't, I don't want anyone to find out about what happened. Now go upstairs to your room, otherwise we will have to do what we don't want to. Now go away!" my dad demands.

Defeated and disappointed in my own parents, I go upstairs with my inhuman speed, perfectly hearing every word about their discussion about me.

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