The 'Talk'

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Just as quick as he sat by me, he stood up, dragging me with him. I could not even try to describe the rage I felt by his possessiveness.

When he dragged me far enough, I completely lost it.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You can't just drag me around like a shopping cart! Why are you even around me all the time? Can I just be let alone for a couple of hours? Let me say it to you for the last time- I am not your property! I have my own mind, so I would like to have my own time too!"

"What's wrong with me? With me?" I could see that he completely overheard the rest of my speech.

"You are the one constantly hanging out with guys! Every time I look at you, you are surrounded by them! The only female you ever talk to is Kit, and she is a part of the enemy pack!"

"What? How the hell am I supposed to know that about packs? And why do you care if I have some male friends!?"

Although I was beyond mad at him, I felt a small amount of satisfaction because of his jealousy. And honestly, it made me happy.

He continued, partially ignoring my question. "I don't want you to constantly meet other guys, and to hang around with them. I don't know how can you stand Tyler, he is such a wimp, especially for a vampire, and I know he likes you." He rolled his eyes in Tyler's direction.

"He doesn't like me in that way, we are just friends." I didn't like that thought, but I knew it was true. ?How dare you say that he is a wimp?! He is a good person, a lot better than you!" I was getting angrier by the second. "And what does size or strength matter? It's the personality that should judge a person. And judging you by your personality, I don't think you belong in Tyler's category. Nor mine."

I finally felt a little calmer after my comeback, so I thought I should return to my real friends. I didn't want to spend more time that it's necessary with him, mates or not.

"You know, for a second there, I actually thought that we could be friends." I let out a sarcastic laugh, remembering his offer.

"But now I think you never wanted to be friends. You just wanted a mate."

I looked up to his face, and I saw that he was just defeated, emotionally. He stared back at me with sadness in his eyes, and it took me a lot of self-restraint not to take a step forward and forgive him.

But, my pride came before the werewolf bond, so I used all that was left of my strength and turned my back on him, going back to our table to finish my breakfast.

As I sat back, Tyler spoke up.

"Hey, what happened? What the hell got into him?" He was obviously worried, and so was Kit.

"Halls, did he go all caveman on you again? If he did, I could kick his ass for you, just tell me the place and the time." She smirked, and it reminded me of what Nathan said earlier.

"Kit, umm... Nathan said that you are a part of a pack? Care to explain?"

"Oh. I totally forgot. Well, since I am basically parent-less, an orphan or whatever you call a person like me, I needed a pack, someone where I could belong. So the Crescent Moon took me in. It just happens to be in a feud with a rival pack, the Blackthorns. And Nathan is in a way my enemy..." She was squeamish. I realized that she is now my only friend. Girl friend, to be exact.

Damn it, Nathan had a point. I looked up to see him looking at me from the doorway to the dining hall. He just looked at our table, with his arms crossed over his chest. It appears that he is listening to our conversation...

"And there is another thing..." She continued. "I don't know how to say it but, here it goes. Please, don't freak out. Nathan is Alpha Peter's son. His Beta is Luke, a guy from across our room. So he... is kinda the future Alpha."

After she said that, Nathan was no longer leaning against the doorway, and I felt utter and complete shock.



Oh my gosh, thank you for voting for my story, and for the 800 reads. I know, I know that it isn't much by Wattpad's standards, but it's awesome for me.

I really get inspired when I see new reads and votes, so keep up the good work! ;)

Thank you all so much!   - M.

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