The Chase

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Kit and her friends turned around to look at the wolf who found his mate so early in his life. When they did, they followed his gaze and locked eyes with me. Oh no no no no. I slowly turned around as if nothing crazy nor unusual has happened.

"Wait!" My 'mate' shouted, and I began to walk at a faster pace. No way in hell I'm letting some wolf near me in any way.

"Hey! Wait! I don't mean to hurt you!" He just doesn't give up. Finally, I started to run in full speed. I found myself in the hall that led to the dorms. I thought about going to my room, but I quickly changed my mind when I heard strange growls approaching me, fast.

I turned left and ran to the end of the hall.

"Taylor! Open up, please!" I screamed like a madwoman, but I couldn't care less. I was hoping that a smell of another vampire will keep the wolf away.

The door quickly sprung open, and I collapsed inside. I closed it with my foot and scrambled as far away as possible.

"Hailey? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" His eyes searched mine frantically, looking for any further signs of distress.

"No, no I... some werewolf just said I am his mate and started chasing me. I- I just panicked, I don't know why, but I don't like the idea of being someone's property or anything."

Just as he was about to speak, I heard sounds of heavy footsteps, which I assume are werewolf's. They came closer, and I heard a loud sniff. A growl followed, and then, the door fell from it's hinges.

Taylor stood in front of me, trying to protect me. Even though I know that wolf's never hurt their mates, I don't think that the same rule applies to anyone else.

So I stood beside Taylor, and glared at the huge black wolf.

He jumped at Tyler, aiming or his upper body, but I quickly blocked his way and pushed the wolf out of the way. He landed on the floor with a loud thump, and he eyed both of us.

Then he came to Taylor's drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and pants. Taylor didn't protest, obviously trying not to anger the wolf any further. Wolfie left and came minutes after in his human form.

I didn't take a better look at him while I was running, but now I noticed how blue his eyes were, especially when compared to his raven black hair. He had an unfriendly frown settled upon his face, and looked at the spot where my and Taylor's body touched. I pulled away from Taylor, followed by instinct. What? I didn't mean to do that.

When I did so, the stranger spoke up.

"I'm Nathan. I am sorry that I startled you, but I really don't know why you ran away." He tried to touch me, but I pulled away. Apparently, he didn't like that, since his nostrils flared and took a few ragged breathes.

"I'm Hailey." I said, trying to distract him.

"Hailey." Then, the weirdest thing happened- he leaned over and kissed me possessively. My eyes widened in shock, just like Taylor's did. I felt disgusted, but happy at the same time. Just as I was planning on kicking him in the groins, Taylor came up to us and pushed Nathan away. It made him fly a few meters and land on the floor with a another thud.

When I looked up at Taylor, I noticed that he was suprised just as me. I couldn't thank him enough. I turned  to Nathan, ready to explode.

"What is wrong with you? How dare you kiss me! I don't even know you, and you came here like a lunatic, breaking doors and shit! You might consider yourself lucky that I didn't snap your neck!" I was boiling with anger.

When he stood back up, he looked even more pissed than me. With a blink of an eye, he pushed me gently out of his way, not minding my words, and charged at Taylor. But, he was ready. Even though he didn't change into his werewolf form, he was still a dangerous opponent. He raised his fist up and hit Taylor in the jaw.

He then fired back, hitting Nathan in the ribs with his knee, Nathan winced, giving Taylor a chance to wiggle out of his grip. Nathan stood up, and charged. I wasn't going to allow it. Just as he raised his fist again, I stood in front of him, catching his hand mid-flight. He was taken by surprise, and I used his moment of distraction to my advantage. I pulled him by his trapped hand and tossed him out the hall.

"Stop it! Just stop! Why are you behaving like this!? What don't you just leave me alone?"

He was still breathing heavily, and it seemed like he was actually trying to come up with an answer.

"Just talk to me in private. No leeches around." He proposed.

I cocked my eyebrow at his comment, but I didn't miss the look he gave Taylor, which was ready to kill.

I thought about it for a moment, weighing my pro's and con's.

"Okay" I silently said, surprising them both.

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