Friends? Or more?

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After leaving the crime scene in the front yard, I head to the administration building to do all my paperwork and my room key. The administration lady is very nice and kind. She gives me a detailed map of the school so it can be easier for me find my way around. 

The interior was surprisingly modern for such a rundown outside. Well, as they say, it's not all in the looks. There weren't much students indoors, I suppose that they all went outside to catch the most sunlight as they can before the fall comes.

When I get to the staircase, I notice that there isn't an elevator. Great. Just peachy.

I was resorted to taking the stairs with half a ton of luggage. After the first set of stairs conquered with my burden, I realize that I have three more sets to go, and I'm already mentally exhausted from battling with my crap. It isn't heavy, but it is really inconvenient to carry around.

I got angered and pulled the biggest suitcase I have with a 'little' too much force, and it pinned me down to the ground, with my cheek pressed against the cold stone floor.

Before I got the chance to stand up, someone came and lifted the weight off of my chest. Literally. When I stand up, I am met with deep green eyes. The boy was taller than me, with pale skin just like mine. When he smiled at me, I noticed our biggest similarity.

Vampire fangs.

"Hello, are you alright? Are you hur-" he was cut short by realizing that I am just like him, and couldn't get hurt so easily.

"Hi. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, but I just pulled with a little too much force and the suitcase just fell on top of me and ..."

"Don't worry, it's okay. Do you need help with that? I took mine in just twenty minutes ago." he asks, his hand going through his messy black hair.

"Sure. Thank you so much for helping. I really don't feel like participating in the great Battle of The Evil Luggage." I chuckled.

He took all of my big bags in his both hands, carrying them with ease, and I took all of my smaller possessions. He talked about the school all the way  to my room, and it seemed like he didn't have a problem with helping me. I guess he got a grip on moving bags up the stairs. 

My thoughts were cut short when we arrived in front of my new room.

"Well, this is it. Thank you again for everything." I said.

"Really, it's not a big deal. By the way, I didn't catch your name...?"

"Hailey. But you can also call me Hall. My friends do. Well, I don't think that they are my friends anymore, but..." I sigh.

"It's okay. I try to understand, but I don't. I was never bitten. I was born as a vampire, and I was always ready to go here."

"But I thought that vampires can't have children...?" I'm confused.

"My dad is a vampire, and my mom was a human. She died while giving birth to me." He said "I never told this to a person that I just met. You are actually the first person to know this."

I don't know why, but I was flattered with his rushed honesty.

"Hey, I really need to go now. I don't think you will be going down those stairs with your stuff anytime soon, but if you do, my door is always open."

"Okay, where is your room, so I know on which door to knock on." I add sarcastically, not expecting an answer.

"On the end of this hall. Right side. I think I'll see you pretty soon." And with that, he turned around and walked away.

I tried to open the door with the smile on my face. I didn't even realize that I was smiling. I quickly delete it, and it was then when I noticed that the door is already unlocked.

When I pushed them, I was welcomed by a room that is meant to be mine for the next few years. It was tiny, with two small beds, two dressers and desks, and a small window revealing a beautiful colorful garden. On the bed on the left, there sat a girl about my age with an unfriendly yet aggressive look on her face, which reminded me of smelling the dumpster.

Her unfriendly facial expression hardened when she sniffed the air again, and confirmed what I am.

I didn't have even a chance to blink, before she turned into a huge brown wolf, leaving her shredded clothing around, and jumped at me.

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