Friend Zoned

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"So, what do you want to talk about? I had the most eventful first day of all, I don't want to waste my night with you as well." I said the moment we reached my room. Good thing Kit wasn't in.

"I am sorry I kissed you. And for everything after." He took me by surprise saying.

"I know I must've looked like a psycho chasing you. I... well it's rare that a wolf finds his mate so early in life."

I cringed when he said the word 'mate'. It sounds like a possession, and I definitely won't be someone's piece of furniture. I never understood girls who dated guys who got possessive easily.

He continued "I don't expect you to return my feelings, because you are not a werewolf and you can't feel the bond as strong as I can. I don't mind you being a vampire, for me you are just my mate. For starters, I was just hoping that we could become... I don't know, friends at least?"

I would never in a thousand years assume that the same person who just fought a vampire and chased me just for the sake of it, would calm so easily and talk as if he really cared for me and wanted my friendship. Maybe he is like that when here are other people around, males mostly. Well maybe he did care a little, but I don't want to be a Stockholm syndrome victim.

"Yeah. I can go with friends." I managed to crack a small smile just thinking of him trying to behave like a 'friend' to me.

He looked surprised by my answer. I suppose he didn't think that I would agree to friendship, and I already saw the wheels turning in his head, predicting any possible outcome.

"Oh. Okay, um, well..." He stuttered, and I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was confused and speechless.

"Now that's all cleared up, I would like to finally unpack and actually try to get some sleep before school tomorrow. I hope you don't mind." I said.

"Oh, no. It would surprise you, but I am not possessive enough to make you sleep in my room. Some wolves do, though."

Then, he turned on his heel and started climbing the stairs up the floor. I somehow knew that he actually considered locking me up in his room.

I mumbled to myself something about shoving some wolfsbane down his throat, reveling in my dark thoughts.

It took me an hour to completely unpack. Through many minutes of finding the matching socks, folding and re-folding my shirts, dresses and pants, I listened to Justice Crew's Everybody, because of which I had some seizures that I call dancing.

I heard the knob on my door turning, and immediately tensed.

It was Kit. She came in looking totally exhausted, but the moment she spotted me, her eyes lit up.

"Oh my God, what happened to you? Are you really Nathan's mate? Are you like, a couple now?"

"First of all, I really don't get why you wolves immediately assume that your mates will date you, or even like you? So no, we aren't together. We agreed that we could be friends, but he obviously wants me to be some perfect little mate and to be with him, which is not going to happen." I actually liked the thought of that. Oh that's so weird.

Kit was taken aback, she really has to remind herself that not all mates can be werewolves.

"Oh, crap, sorry. That was not the question that I wanted to ask you in the first place. How was your day? It seems quite lively." She cocked an eyebrow and wiggled it. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

So I told her everything that happened, including the three bitchateers. When I got to the part when I found out that I am one of the Castors, she squealed and begged me to "work my magic". I didn't really know how to turn my thing on, but I decided to try.

So I came to a dead plant in some ratty old pot on the window, and put my hand on it. I focused on it, imagining it bloom and grow. When I took my hand away, it looked exactly like I imagined it would be. Kit was just standing open mouthed for a few seconds, and then made me grow flowers.

So when she calmed down enough, I told her the rest. When I finished, she asked:

"Hey, Hailey?"


"Continue being awesome."

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