First impressions

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"How come you got here this late? Tomorrow is the first day of school, you were sure lucky when you managed to get a room AND get enrolled in such a short time period." She asked me with a confused look on her face.

She is right though, that is strange. I mean, I know my dad has some serious connections, but this is a little bit too coincidental. So how did he really manage to get me in?

"Uhm... my dad is a local judge in my hometown, so he had to pull a few strings to get me here." I serve her the most believable version that was going through my head.

She simply said "Oh." and we continued walking to the Backyard. I have a feeling that there is something going on there but I can't put a pin on it.

"Why did you decide to go in this school? You have at least hundred more schools to go to, while I on the other hand can't." I ask.

"It's really simple, you wouldn't say. This one was the closest school to my old orphanage, and I don't have practicaly any money. I got a scholarship for the poor, and got in. To be honest, I wasn't bursting with joy when I found out that there are three vampires in this place. What were the odds that three of 94 vampires in the US will go to this school?" She asked sarcastically.

"Wait, what? There are three vampires here? I thought that there were only two of us."

"Yeah, students. I know that because you weren't the only person I attacked. The other leech -sorry- Vampire got to the wrong room the other day, my room. He got the same treatment as you, except that he went worse than you. What I want to say is -I beat his ass." She had the smuggest, most self confident smile I ever saw in my entire life.

Oh my God. I didn't even realize that I didn't ask his name. How in the world could I do such a thing?! There he was, helping me with my crap, and I was so self-centered that I didn't ask the most basic info. I'm unbelievable.

While I was going through a mental breakdown and while I have forgiven myself, I suddenly understood what Kit said.

"What? You said that you beat his ass" I quoted " and you mentioned the third vampire? You have to slow down with you information flow." I disapprovingly shake my hair.

"Oh, right, sorry. Well, he was a bit of a wimp, may I add." I instantly felt my face heating at the name she called him "You were harder, I mean, really tough. I never met a vampire this strong before. And to answer your last question, the third lee- vampire, is one of the teachers here, Mrs. Hawthorne. You will meet her soon, but thankfully, I won't. She gives classes only to vampires and fairies, since every werewolf hates vampires the most, the rest just don't like your kind. Fairies tolerate, but they aren't quite fond of you."

I started feeling uneasy, fidgeting with my fingers. Are we vampires that bad that everyone hates us? What did we do that we got killed?

But then I remembered the main and the most obvious reason- we drink blood. I haven't thought of that yet. When I think about it, I wasn't hungry since the day I was bitten. All I felt that was close to that was an odd thirst, similar to hunger.

My stomach turned from disgust. Drinking blood sounds so terrible, how will I do that? I don't even want to think about it. But you will soon think about that a lot, my logical side adds, who knew I ever had one.

We came to the Backyard. It was completely stuffed, I don't know how did anyone move through this crowd.

"I wanted to join one of the so called 'Sorrorities'. But these sorrorities are different than the ones at college. You don't actually live with them. There are some for werewolves, fairies, metamorphs, witches and centaurs. I suppose you already guessed why there aren't any of yours." She gave me a sympathetic smile, not that I ever wanted to join a sect.

"It's not a problem. I didn't even want to join anyway." I looked around the place, trying to spot a familiar face.

"If you want, I could introduce you to some of my friends. Don't worry, they aren't werewolfs, at least not these friends." She smiled and dragged me along through the crowd.

Suddenly, someone snatched my hand from hers and violently bumped into me.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't notice any trash laying around." Said the tall fairy with dark grey wings, which seemed like they were dripping black ink from the edges. She flashed me the fakest, most repulsive smile she could manage.

"Hey, Viv, Lily, look who do we have here. A little blood sucker. I knew someone wasted oxygen around here." There were two fairies behind her, quickly jointing her and making a triangle in front of me.

"Oh look, isn't it the local Three Bitchateers. And, for your info, I knew that someone was whoring up the atmosphere."said Kit. I flashed her one of my own smiles in my arsenal. The three of them really looked like the school's skanks. The ink-dripping fairy's minions had icy blue wings, which reminded me of an unforgiving blizzard. All three of them shared the same black eyes, like it was their group's recognition mark.

After Kit's comeback, I turned on my heel and tried to walk away, before one of the minions, Viv or Lily grabbed me and Kit by our shoulders and made us turn around.

"What did you just say? You unworthy little-" The deep brown haired fairy was cut off by the grey fairy.

"Who do you think you are, talking to us like that?! You are nothing, just a filthy little bloodsucker with no future, how dare you shame us, fairies, the daughters of Mother Nature?"

"I don't think she is such a proud mother when she has you as their daughters. Leave me alone before I break your ugly wings." I warned them through gritted teeth, revealing my little white friends, which seemed like they had a bright future in bitch-repelling.

I gave the three of them one last warning glare, and started looking for Kit and her friends.

As I was scanning the crowd, I cannot help but overhear the Black fairies words.

'She will wish she never came here.'

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