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After the awkward breakfast at the dining hall, I was climbing up the stairs to the rooms with Kit. We talked about everything. She just couldn't stop laughing at me when I sneezed in the lobby and a nearby plant popped out of its pot, fully grown. Good thing no one saw what happened except Kit, Tyler and me.

She was retelling the story for the tenth time, and I was still laughing. The conversation somehow ended on the topic of boys, which I was intentionally avoiding. She told me that she didn't meet her mate yet, but she felt confident that she will find him soon.

I wonder why didn't she sat with her wolf friends during breakfast, I wouldn't mind if she did. After all, they were only a few tables away from us...

"Uhm, Kit, I just noticed that you didn't say hi to your friends today, and you didn't look at them not even once. What's going on?" I really had a feeling that something was going on.

"What? I didn't hear you." She was still wiping the tears from her eyes from all the laughter.

"I asked, how come you didn't hang out with your friends earlier? You didn't look at them even though they were near us?"

"It's nothing, really. Just... a misunderstanding. You don't have to worry about me." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. I decided to let it go for some time, maybe she'll start hanging out with them again.

When we came in front of our room, there were two packages on the floor. They were quite big, both perfectly wrapped, void of anything personal. On one of them stood:

School supplies and books for you from, the Newarts

I felt a sting of pain when I noticed that they signed with our last name. Not mom, dad nor my brother felt any obligation to send a text message here and there, not even a letter. The whole concept of my brown wrapped packet was completely bland and formal. I refused to let the pain of losing my family flood my head, not today.

After all, today was the first day of actual school.

I lifted it with ease, but I could tell that it was heavy. I heard the subtle collapsing of the books.

As Kit took her package and unlocked the door, I saw that her package was signed by a lot of people, I assumed it was from her pack. She also got a few letters attached.

I put the box on my bed. My parents sent me books and notebooks for the classes, along with a few pens and pencils. I don't know for what I was hoping for as I searched the wrapping, but I thought they would at least send me a message.

Then, something caught my eye on the bottom of the box. A paper was loosely hanging from the wrapper.

We know what you can do. You are dangerous for all of us. Watch your back.

It wasn't signed, and I could tell that the paper was pinned after wrapping. While I stood with the paper in my hands and a shock on my face, I noticed the faint glittering of fairy dust across the letters.

Supernatural AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon