Sending me away

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I slammed the door of my room, making it fall out of the wall. I curse at myself, trying to fix it. Just as I came close to putting them back in place, they fell on top of me.

I sigh defeated and lay down on my bed. What will my parents do? Why are they so afraid of me? It's still me!

I stand up and slowly look into my reflection in the mirror. Now I know why they didn't recognize me at the first place.

My cheeks are no longer chubby and full, now they look thinner and longer. My skin is pale in spite of the long summer I spent tannning and sunbathing.My eyes have changed color, they used to be brown, black even, but now they are a deep green shade, and my hair turned from blonde to light brown. I smile at the memory of Chris complimenting Cassie's eyes. When I do, I reveale my long, white pointy fangs, which seemed to grow over the night. I just stand shocked, trying to touch them. I instantly regret it, because they are so sharp they teared the skin on my finger. But the most interesting and the oddest part is that my skin grew back the second it got injured.

Well that's new.

A knock on my do- wall, brings me out of my thoughts. Mom, dad and Matt gather there, with worried and scared looks on their faces.

"Hailey, well, your father and I decided to... enroll you in a new school, for people like you." my mom softly says, with cautious words.

"Wait, what? Where? No, I can't I have my own friend here, in my school right down the block. I am not switching schools. I already enrolled here, I-" my words fade, and they are replaced with my subconscience reminding me that I no longer belong there.

"Hailey, we are not discussing this. Our word is final. We already called your new school and made the arrangements. I had to pull some strings in our town's council for enrolling so close to the start of the semester, but I didn't have to do much anyway, considering that I am the judge." dad says.

"In which school am I going to?"

"Supernatural academy. It is located in the state of Washington, near Kirkland. We already bought you a plane ticket, you leave tommorrow morning. We aren't discussing this." he adds after noticing my pleading, yet murderous glare.

"Dad, please don't! I want to be with my friends in this school, not to go to Washington! Please, let me stay!" I plead my parents and Matt. He didn't speak much, I guess he didn't want to even talk to me.

"Hallie, I said no. I suggest you start packing, and say goodbye to your friends. Don't you dare to tell them why are you leaving, I don't want anyone else finding out about you condition" he said the word with the deepest discust "and if you don't pack 'till tomorrow, I will do it for you." He added sharply.

I felt my eyes filling with tears, and I just couldn't bare it anymore. I started to sob, my whole world has started falling upside down, and I couldn't catch on to anything. The moment they exited, I called Cassie. I told her absolutely everything, ignoring my dad's words. She promised that she will not tell anyne, not even Chris. She told me that they have made up, and I felt instantly happy for them, ignoring my hard faith. We both cried over the phone, she while trying to comfort me, and I while trying to make amends with my future in the supernatural world.

What got to me the most, was the fact that Cassie didn't feel anything worse about our friendship and me, while my own family turned against me. We fell asleep in tears, on the phone, sharing all of my worries with her.

The next morning, my phone alarm went off at five o' clock, waking me up perfectly. I guess it is another perk to the unbelieveable phisical and psychical power of the vampires. I packed all of my clothes and possesions, and waited for my cab to come. My parents didn't even bother to drive me to the airport. Some family I've got.

The taxi shortly arrived. After looking at my house for the last time, I put all of my suitcases into the trunk and climbed in the back seat.

Goodbye to my old normal life, and hello to the Supernatural academy.

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