First class, first trouble

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How, how did they found out about my abilities? It must be those three fairies, who else? I noticed how Kit came to my side to see what I got, so I quickly dusted the sparkles off and hid the little note into my back pocket.

She leaned over me, expecting to see things that my parents sent from home. When she noticed the books and notebooks, she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"What did you get?" I asked her, trying to draw the attention away from myself.

"Oh, well, some of my friends back home sent me things I forgot, some snacks and of course, books for our classes." She was trying to make me feel better, and I really appreciated the effort.

"And today we will get our schedules, maybe we have classes together!" She added.

"I hope I don't have any classes with Nathan." Despite my words, my heart fluttered at the mention of his name.

"Oh come on, what are the odds for that?" She laughed.


"Look, we have Metamorph History, Gym class and Herbology together! I bet you will just nail Herbology!" Kit added in a whisper.

"Are you guys comparing schedules? May I join?" Tyler approached us, and saw that we have Science and Control 101 together, and that the three of us have Herbology together.

"Well, at least that will be a fun class." Said Tyler with a grin.

"That's exactly what Kit said!"

I caught Nathan's scent before I saw him. He came up to me and snatched my schedule out of my hand. After a few seconds, he smiled.

"See you at 9. Don't be late." He said, and with that, he walked away.

I looked again. At 9 am I had Science, with him obviously. I have a feeling that that will be a long 50 minutes.

I said goodbye to Tyler, and went to pick up my books from our room. Kit told me that she will show me the way around here, and I took up on her offer. We walked around the entire school, and when it was 15 minutes left 'till the first class begins, we separated.

I started walking to Science alone, but Nathan was quick to join me. He tried to strike up small talk, but I just gave him one-worded answers. I didn't forget his earlier outburst at the cafeteria. Finally, he gave up on that, but not before he snatched my books and insisted on carrying them.

We reached our classroom and I decided to take a seat in the middle. I thought Nate will sit right next to me, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Tyler.

"Hello there. I'm surprised to see you alone" Just as he said those words, Nathan was standing in front of me, firmly gripping my books. He looked like his wolf was going to come out any moment. Luckily, he calmed down and surrendered the books. He took the seat behind me, so I could feel his ragged breath on my neck.

I heard him mumble something about security leeches, but I let it go. For now at least. Professor Hack walked in. I assumed that he was a witch, because I felt an aura around him when he entered. Although Science is pretty much a regular class, I thought it was appropriate that a witch teaches.

He just gave us a short introduction, telling us that we have lesser subjects at this school than in a regular high school, because we must first learn how to control and accept our abilities, and, if needed, disguise ourselves.

The moment he said that, a girl from the front stood up.

"Disguise? Like some kind of freaks? We should never hide who we truly are, we are unique, even better than humans!"

I don't know how or why, but I had a feeling that all hell was going to break loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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