Sleepover!! Kunoichis!

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"Hey Sakuraaa!" I busted open the door with Temari behind me. She let us know ahead of time that her parents were gone for a month. All the other kunoichis were here and already in their pajamasz

"How the hell everyone get here so fast?" Temari questioned looking at the girls as they were already settled in.

"You guys were taking your sweet ass time doing god knows what" Ino joked putting on lip gloss.

(Pls the lipgloss @ night is me af)

"Yea god knows what..." Sakura said adding on to the joke.

"We were making out." I said smirking.

"Yea obviously, couldn't help it." Temari played along putting her hand on her hip.

"Bye." TenTen started busting out laughing and Hinata blushed also giggling.

"It feels good to have girl time you know!" Hinata was speaking in her usual soft tone that can make anyone feel comfortable in 2 seconds.

"It does but we are gonna have to talk about what just happened sis." Ino tilted her head with smiling side eye looking at me and Temari. We laugh and walked over and sat where everyone was.

"Temari.... give us lessons on the confidence please." Ino said and Hinata nodded and seemed more visually into what she'll say.

"I don't know because I'm sometimes nervous around him but I don't like confusion so I just go for it you know? Like it's not like he'll kill me or anything. He does make me feel vulnerable but not in a bad way and I just really like it." She said in her honest opinion. She was smiling to herself.

"Simp." Ino said smirking.

"Pft-" I tried not to burst out laughing.

"Oh honey we didn't forget about you but after we talk to Ms Ten Ten." Sakura put her hand on my knee as she switched her attention from me to Ten Ten.

"I ship you and Neji not gonna lie." Ino said as she inched closer to Ten Ten who was blushing into a shade of red I never knew existed.

"Don't act shy now." Hinata added finally getting out of her shell.

"You have the shy girl telling you not to be shy. SOMETHING IS WRONG." Temari teased Ten Ten and Hinata.

"Yeah I really like Neji.. not sure if he likes me back." Ten Ten responded really unsure of things.

"Trust me sis he likes you.. keep pushing it." I laid my head on her shoulder and she embraced me.

"Gosh but you and Naruto though... and Sasuke is really on your ass what's your secret." Ten Ten said playing with the material of my shirt. Sakura grabbed my arm and softly pulled me over to her.

"Yeah... those secrets.. how do you do it?" Sakura played with my hand while looking me in the eye. Temari eyed Sakura for a moment. Hinata cleared her throat a bit.

"Right like I need to write this shit down." Ino said propping herself getting ready for the details.

"Honestly I'm just mentality unstable." I said bluntly not even knowing if I was serious or not.

"I have anger issues.. but they're not bad." Sakura laid her head in your lap.

"I'm surprised Naruto doesn't have a concussion from all the times you hit him." Hinata remarked.

We all laughed except Sakura who rolled her eyes.

"Okay stalker..." Sakura mumbled lowly but only me and Temari heard. I didn't understand what she meant but I do remember Hinata looking for Naruto earlier.

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