Sasuke Uchiha and a follower.

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**** Y/n POV ****

We finished our ramen and all I knew was I wanted to get home and lay down.

"See ya Y/n! See ya Sasuke! See ya Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto said waving vigorously at the all of us. I smiled and showed him the peace sign. "You coming along Sakura?" he added.

"Sure and Y/n we should hangout tomorrow after school!" Sakura said with her hand on her hip.

"Oh most definitely." I replied looking at my nails that I need to cut.

"We'll talk more in class... bye Y/n and Kakashi Sensei!" She walked away happily. I see she didn't say bye to Sasuke.

"Alright I'll be leaving now to my beautiful home." I said getting happy about the thought of MY new cozy home.

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Kakashi said closing his book and moving all his attention to me. I don't know why but my knees wanted to give out at that moment.

"Nah, I'll be fine and I can beat anyone's ass." I tried my best to not stutter or sound shaky.

"Are you su-"

"I'll walk her home." Sasuke cut him off while grabbing my arm and walking from the Silver head man.

"Bye Sensei." Sasuke.. monotone as usual.

"Bye Kakashi-Sensei see ya tomorrow!" I said looking back at him as he waved with his usual closed-eye look.

I turned towards Sasuke and he was already looking at me with his stoic facial expression.

"Okay, you're going to ask me about earlier aren't you." I looked ahead while smiling slightly. "I know you saw my eyes even if you tried to play it off."


"Go ahead ask away."

"Your abilities."

I looked at him with a brow raised as he stared ahead.

"Well I'm a good close combat fighter and long distance fighter. I use fire and wind style. I'm amazing in taijutsu and ninjustu. I have to work harder with genjutsu."

"Don't leave out anything y/n~"

I looked at him and his eyes were closed and he tilted his head back as if he were looking at the clouds above us.

"Did you have to drag out my name like that Sasuke~" I started laughing as I mocked him.

"Don't change the subject." I stopped laughing and he was staring straight into my eyes. I then realized his eyes were red. I got a bit excited and smirked.

"Are you trying to scare me or fight me." I crossed my arms stepping up to him as he looked down at me.

"I'll tell you about my eyes if you tell me about yours."

"Just say you don't wanna fight." I said putting my hands up trying to egg him on. He just rolled his eyes.

"I'll beat you after we switch information." He said looking to the side. I looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I'm a C/n, my eyes will trigger by certain emotion , anger, sadness, or when I go a bit crazy.... really anything that turns out negative. I can crush anything or ANYONE I set my mind to. I can foresee things and event or look at past events by touching someone. I can also see far away and through some things. Now spill."

"Tsk." He looked at the ground and then back at me.

"I'm an Uchiha, we have the sharingan, we can copy ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu we see. I can see on a cellular level basically super fast movements. I can basically almost predict any movement someone can possibly make. Can cast genjutsu through eye contact, actions etc."

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