Sakura v. You

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I woke up not wanting to get out of bed. But it's the second day I'm here in the Leaf. My first day was pretty cool... I even got in a fight with Sasuke who has a kekkei genkai similar to mine.

It's my first day of training so everyone is going to see my abilities. I can't wait to fight Naruto or Sakura. I have been paying more attention to their features and I wonder why Naruto has whiskers...

"Ehhhh it's time to shower and dress y/n." I looked out the window and stared at the sakura tree and blue sky. I smiled softly because of how peaceful it looked. I undressed and walked to my bathroom looking straight into the mirror.

I stared at my body. The scars on my thighs and back... they were part of me.. my story... my fear.. where my anger began. I shook my head a little and turned the hot water on and stared back into the mirror. I let my hair release from the high bun it was in. I touched my hair opening a memory i want forgotten which made me cringe.

~ Flashback

"What's wrong with you. It's a simple technique for god's sake." My father's voice boomed through the dim lit room. I sat on the floor my head hung low while coughing and spitting out blood.

"Sir don't you think this is a bit much for a 9 year old child?" Lena spoke up. Lena was a servant, she was the closest thing to a sister to me. One of the reasons I have some human left in me. Father turned towards her and stared at her.

His stare could give anyone a chill down their spine. He was an intimidating man but he could also back it up. I stared in horror as I know what could possibly happen to her.

"Are you telling me I don't know what's best for MY child." He said wiping my blood off his hands.

"You don't know and thats you-"

Those were the last words out her mouth as about 50 kunai penetrated her body.

"LENA!" I shrieked in horror as her body starting shaking and blood flooded from her slim figure. I got up on my two feet and started running towards her but then my father yanked me by my long hair.


"PLEASE JUST STOP." I screamed and kicked as her roughly pulled my hair. He dragged me into a room. This room was specifically for torture victims.

...I guess you can guess what happened.

~Flashback overl

"Lena..." I whispered her name to myself as I took a step in the shower letting the hot water run down my body.

After about 15 minutes I got out and stared at myself in the mirror again before going in my room.

I threw this two piece on similar to Naruto's since its easy to fight in. I slicked my hair back into a low ponytail and put on my black hand gloves and put my gear holder shit on my right leg. I put on a black leaf headband Kakashi sensei left for me. It fits in with the two piece and I'm apart of this shit now so why not. I put on some black ninja sandals and hopped up. I ate some cereal and finally left after locking up.

Time Skip to arriving at training grounds

I was walking up and seen Sasuke and Sakura waiting. Sakura was staring at a pretty tree while Sasuke was.. being Sasuke.

"Hey guys." I said picking up my pace a bit.

"Hi y/n." Sakura started walking towards me too. I look to Sasuke and he just smirked.

"Hmph." He crossed his arms smirking to himself.

"I can't wait to see what you're all about." Sakura said punching me in the shoulder playfully.

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