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Me and Lady Tsunade were in the bathroom and she helped me wash up. My body was a little numb and I don't remember if I asked Kakashi what he did. I will later.

Me and Tsuna sat in this silence and I could tell she was furious by the way she gripped my arm when she was washing me.

"So Sasuke huh.." She spoke probably smirking to herself.

"I don't like Sasuke, I see him as a worthy opponent or rival you could say." I smirk to myself thinking about when I whooped his ass.

"Sakura made it seem totally different.. I think it's a misunderstanding and Sakura is very territorial."

"Yea she definitely is.. also suicidal too trying to pick fights with me." I said flipping my hair. Tsuna yanked my ear.

"Ouch!" I yelped.
"Tsuna you KNOW she was being a little bitch for that. And I don't know what made her think to try me like that after we FOUGHT. I was holding back because my intention wasn't to kill her....." I lied so damn hard.

"I think you should have more patience, petty stuff like that shouldn't get you to wanting to KILL someone. And besides I know it's really frustrating to Sakura since she's always tried to be there for Sasuke only to be pushed away.. so seeing a new girl having no problem being let into his life and talking easily probably hurts."

"Ah... I didn't know all that.. I kinda get why she reacted that way." You fiddled with your bloody fingers. Tsuna nodded and started to grab wipes.

"And by the way as an assassin, I get paid to KILL someone who's done nothing to me."

"...Well you're gonna be a ninja now. So leave that in the past okay girly?"


"I think you girls should make up.. besides this fight was very unnecessary."

"Well she has to apologize to me man cus look at my shit! Look at my face Tsuna." I said pointing to my patched eye. "I LOOK LIKE A PIRATE TSUNA."

"Pft.. oh and it's LADY Tsuna." She said laughing slightly while examining my eye. "Well it gives you a look that matches your personality."

"What's that supposed to mean." I said folding my arms like a child. "Hey Lady Tsuna, do you have a man." I said doing the eyebrow wiggle thing. She blushed and look to the side a bit sad.

"I did... he's no longer here."


"No it's fine, I'll talk about him though.. it's been a while since I have." She smiled softly and looked at my h/l, h/c hair.

"His named was Dan, he was a wonderful person and shinobi." I looked at her as she seemed so happy talking about Dan.

"He was sweet and had a big heart. And one thing he wanted to be.. was hokage." She smiled and started fiddling with her hands as if she were a highschool girl with a crush. She loved him a lot.

"He wanted to make a difference in the world.. but his life got cut short. I still think of him everyday."
Her mood started to sadden.

"That's really beautiful... the way you speak so highly of him." I smiled at her and she looked up at me and started to also smile.

"Y/n I see you're kinda attached to Kakashi." She said folding her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Well I mean...." I started to draw circles on my thighs. ""

"I thought you would try to hide it but you definitely have a crush on him."

"Well can you blame me?" She chuckled at my response. "But then again Tsuna he was the first person to really show me around or whatever so I guess it's right that I'd be attached to him." I shrugged my shoulders knowing damn well there's more to it than that.

"Pft... sure Y/n. The tension between you two is real.. I felt it before I walked into the room." She started fanning herself as if she were hot.

"Please stop trying to embarrass me ma'am." I held my hand up laughing a bit. I started to get up as my "bath" was pretty much over with. I started to dry off.

"He's been through things and so have you, maybe you won't be able to have a relationship because he's... well anyways I'm sure you two may open up to eachother." Tsuna said fixing herself in the mirror. I nodded slightly hurt at the truth as I started to put on the clothes she brought me. I mean she was right.. for god's sake I'm 19 thinking about a... what like... 30 year old that seems really closed off.
I sighed and Tsuna looked at me smiling slightly.

"Truth hurts Tsuna it really does." I said sulking a bit. She sighed and let me slide with the nickname.

"Wel I'll be heading out." She said walking out the bathroom as I followed her, we were back in Kakashi's room and he was sitting up against his headboard with his leg bent slightly as he read his book. He wore a tank top that showed every muscle and gave his body more justice. His mask was still on and he had his eye closed instead of wearing his headband. I gulped.

"Goodluck with that." Tsuna whispered and winked as she pat my lower back. "I'll be heading out now Kakashi, let me know if she's misbehaving!" She said on the way out. He looked up and watched the door closed and his eyes switched to me. I stood in front of the bathroom door awkwardly not knowing what to say for once in a lifetime.

"You're quiet." He said lowly, couldn't read him because he's always wearing that damn mask.

"Eh I'm just sleepy." I tried to play off my nervousness. "Where's the blankets?"

"For?" He asked brow raised.

"So I can go to sleep over there?? Duh." I said pointing to the couch.

"You sure you don't want to sleep here?" He patted on the spot next to him. A shivered ran up my spine. I wanted to say yes but NO. Not today satan.

"I think I'll be fine on the couch." I answered trying to avoid eye contact.

"Are you nervous?"


"Sure you aren't."

I glared at him getting back to my usual self. He stared at me intensely making me feel nervous again.

"I'll take the couch you take my bed okay~"

"Are you sure?"

"Mmm.." He hummed as he started to get up from under the covers and he had light gray boxers on. And I saw the... the print. I looked away and to the plant that was by the window. What a nice plant.

"How's your eye?" He asked.

"It's alright, the pain is only annoying.. I'm used to it." I said staring at the plant trying not to look at him. It was silence for a moment.

***Kakashi POV***

She was facing towards my plant. She seems timid for once.

"You're quiet." I walked and stared at the plants with her. "It's unsual... especially for you."

"Oh shut the hell up.. i'm just.. I'm just tired like I said!" She looked me in the eye trying to show defiance. I raised out my hand and held her soft face.

"Then I'll leave you to sleep, unless you want me to stay." I asked dragging my last words out. Her eyes widened and she tried to look away. Cute. "Look who's flustered." She snatched my hand off and scoffed.

"Goodnight Kakashi." She said snuggling under my covers while trying to look mad.

"Mmm, night Y/n." I walked out to get blankets and crash on the couch.

****Y/n POV****

I swear satan is testing me. I really have to give myself the daily reminder he's my sensei but since when is he so flirty and BOLD? Is this like a nighttime thing? I don't know if I can do this again. And if I do there's definitely gonna be trouble.

I laid on my back thinking. I wonder what being here would bring me. Good luck, Bad luck.. love? I'm too young to understand love? Especially with my shit parents. Speaking of them I hope they're burning. I'm kinda surprised they haven't found me, they would've been tracked me down by now. But they're smart I know they must be planning something. Maybe I should start planning on what to do if somethings or if I should make the first move on them. I don't want anyone to disturb my freedom even if I have to kill them.

Maybe I should stop thinking so much and sleep already.

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