Chapter 29 (2)

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Glory's POV

The next day later, me and everyone else (minus the kids as they were all out doing their separate things) went to begin working on our silent film. Zawe handed the script to Seth and Halston and as they were reading it, Seth got angry. "What the fuck is this???" He shouted.

"I made some changes to the script." Jessica told him.

"This is bull crap!" He screamed, furious this time.

"It's not that bad, oh wait. It is that bad." Halston said softly, realizing it after all.

"No fucking shit it is!" He yelled.

"Seth, quit acting like a diva. It's supposed to be the way it should be." Scott told him.

"How the fuck did I approve of saying yes to this piece of shit of writing! Jessica, you're fired!" He handed her the script forcefully.

"Seth, let's try to focus on the script and that's it." Halston said.

"Hell no! I quit!" He huffed, sitting on the director's chair.

"Someone is on his man period today..." Chris whispered. I stomped on his foot and he grabbed it, holding it.

"Seth, can you just cooperate? Just once." Adrianne laid her hand on his shoulder.

"No." He answered, getting more upset than he is right now. After an hour and a half, he calmed down and we all went to the mall, getting a few clothes and props for the film.

Basically, the movie is about a woman going through a breakup and she meets a man who they begin falling in love with each other after a month. The woman realizes she's pregnant with his child and it ends whether she gets an abortion or not. Seth went to the food court and ordered us a bunch of food from different restaurants. Once he came back, we all began eating our meals.

"I'm still hungry." Halston said, not feeling full whatsoever.

"Jesus, give yourself a heart attack, will ya?" I laughed.

"I can't help it if I have a fast metabolism." She laughed.

"Here, eat these fries. I'm full anyways." Zawe offered her them. Once Halston finished her fries, we began leaving the mall and walked to our location for where the film is going to be. It's going to start at a hotel, end in the female lead's apartment, by her bathroom, thinking whether she should get the abortion or not.

"Rolling! And action!" Tom shouted. Peter started filming and Halston's character was sipping a glass of red wine. She was looking heartbroken and her eyes were red and puffy. Seth's character then showed up and held one hand up for an alcoholic drink as he sat down in the stool.

Brad's character handed him the drink and Seth's began drinking it. He then saw Halston's character upset and placed her hands on her face, as if to act she is crying. They began talking and cut to the next scene, they begin dating and end up having sex at Seth's character's house. The movie jump cuts to a month later in the bathroom and the pregnancy test is positive.

"Cut! That's a wrap!" Tom shouted again, getting off his director's chair.

"This was by far the easiest film I've ever filmed. What do you think, Halston?" Seth smiled.

"I loved it. We can release it on theaters and see what'll happen!" She exclaimed and they smiled more in agreement.

"I don't see why not." I nodded.

"We're going to be millionaires!" Scott exclaimed, which made us all laugh.

"Babe, we already are millionaires." Brad grabbed his shoulder and kissed him.

"Oh yeah. We'll be infiniteaires!" He cracked up and we all were losing it at this point. Seth fell to the ground and got up afterwards, wiping his tears.

"I'm okay!" He smiled, swallowing something. A few days later, we began filming a scene of The Orville and in it, Cassius and Kelly are about to have sex, but Kelly refuses to. She tells him she's not interested because she's still in love with Ed. Kelly then leaves Cassius's quarters and a flashback of when she and Ed were younger show up.

They were walking around Central Park, holding hands, having a picnic and watching the sunset. The scene ends back in the present and Ed greets Kelly. She smiles a little, but is sad mostly. She goes back to her quarters and lies down, staring at the ceiling. The scene ends and we wrap up filming this part.

"Great work, Adrianne. Chris, you were a little bit steady but you did great nonetheless." Jon smiled.

"Thank you." They said in unison.

"Seth, what do you think of this scene?" He asked him.

"I liked it." He shrugged, holding my hand afterwards. We filmed the next scene which took place in the mess hall, and Kelly was talking to Alara and Talla about her being in love with Ed still and doesn't know how to break up with Cassius.

Cassius showed up and told Kelly he wanted to be friends with her since he realized her happiness matters more than anything. He then kissed her cheek one last time and left the mess hall. There was a talent show afterwards that day and Kelly began singing Difference Of Opinion by Shane Alexander.

A difference of opinion's is what we've got now
Don't look like it's ever gonna work out
Been this way such a long, long time
There're shades of gray between wrong and right
The sunset brings a flash of green light
And I, I'm tired of fightin' and I just want us to get right again
A difference of opinion can burn so strong
This tug of war goes on and on
Been this way such a long, long time
Only one thing gonna turn it around,
One of us gonna have take to the higher ground
I, I'm tired of fightin' and I just want us to get right
Now, if I, I said I was sorry – would you still recall the reason why?
It's a difference of opinion, just a difference of opinion
And it's been this way such a long, long time
A difference of opinion, just a difference of opinion
And it's been this way such a long, long time

Ed knew that song was so familiar. The lyrics were so reminiscent of him and Kelly's relationship and how she supposedly cheated on him with Darulio, to the point she tried apologizing to him for how she messed up their marriage and was tired of repeating to him the fact she made a simple mistake.

There ended up being a fatality accident aboard The Orville as many were injured. Ed was knocked unconscious instantly and was bleeding internally. He was immediately rushed to sick bay and was being treated right away. Same with others as well. It was just insane as hell.

"That's a wrap for today's scene." Jon said, and we finished filming for now. We were all tired and went back to our trailers, getting our regular clothes on and left the building. Seth fell asleep in the car as I drove us back home. I shook his arm and he woke up. We went inside and he fell asleep on the couch immediately. I slept with him and we dozed off.

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