Chapter 35 (2)

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Glory's POV

That day, we all went to surprise Scott and Brad as it is also their wedding anniversary too. I had completely forgot it's Seth and I's as well but we mainly focused on our dating anniversary, given that it's a bit more important to us, including him which I'm surprised since he's always wanted to get married and finally got the chance in 2017. We made it to our destination and knocked the door. I fixed my hair a bit and surprised the happy couple.

"Oh my god, this is so beautiful." Brad exclaiming, holding his beer mug. His and Scott's said best fuck daddies and always.

"It's hilarious too!" Scott pointed out, hugging Seth and I.

"We made it special for you two." I smiled. Inside the house, everyone was there. Seth smiled at the cake and cut a piece for us.

"Damn, I need more of this cake. Because it's making me feel happy." J Lee said, getting up.

"Don't you mean high?" Peter pointed out.

"That too." He nodded.

"It's making me feel green." Chris said, laying down.

"Mate, I'm not your pillow." Mark looked at him weirdly, while he laughed nervously.

"Attention, everyone! Thanks for coming to this anniversary party of the century." Brad exclaimed, making a toast.

"You're welcome." Seth said in a falsetto and I jabbed his shoulder.

"We want to thank every single one of you for making this day special to us. And most importantly, thank you Brad for helping me find true love once again and still with me after all these years. Brad Levi Stillwell, I love you more than words speak and I will always love you." Scott said and kissed him.

"Woo!" Seth said, doing a whooping motion with his hand. I chuckled to myself, thinking he's crazy right now or it's the cake making him like this. Either way, he's very crazy right now.

"So, Oliver. Have you and Lucían thought about it?" Jules asked him.

"Thought of what exactly?" Oliver said, not sure what he meant.

"The three letter word everyone does." Sienna said.

"Oh, that. Yeah, no. We don't want to do it right now, given that we want to wait until marriage." He smiled.

"That's too long." She pointed out.

"Not really." He shrugged, getting a bowl of orange punch. Tom tapped my shoulder and I smiled at him, as we both began talking to each other.

"Glory, have you noticed something up with Zawe recently? She's hiding something from me but I don't know if she's pregnant again or if it's because she's planning on a Christmas gift for us." He whispered.

"I think she's just getting something. But I don't even know." I assured him, patting his shoulder. For a tall guy, he has the most broadest shoulders I've ever felt on a man like him.

"Just tell her that I don't want her to leave me or our daughter. Okay?" He begged.

"I will." I kissed his cheek in a friendly way.

"Thank you." He smiled, placing his hands in his pockets.

"And so I was like, "babe, we need to make this the best anniversary we ever threw. But Scott was like, we need to make it pizzazz and add rainbow decor." Brad said to the girls.

"That explains it all." Adrianne whistled, looking at everything.

"I also bought him a painting for our anniversary as well. It should be here in a few minutes." He smiled. The door knocked and he answered it.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Nothing important. What were you and Tom talking about?" Zawe asked.

"He was wondering why you've been quiet with him these past 6 days." I told her.

"You didn't tell him what it was, right?"

"Zawe, relax. He won't find out until Christmas."

Brad gave Scott a ginormous present and Scott looked at him, thinking what it was. He opened it and screamed in joy. It was a painting of a naked man aka Brad. "Honey, this is amazing! How in god's name did you plan this?" Scott said to him, holding his hands.

"Remember I said I was going to shoot a scene in The Orville? Well, I lied and went to an artist's house and got her to paint me." He told him.

"This is amazing! I love it, but I love you more." He kissed him.

"Read the bottom." He told him.

"To my one and only Scott Christopher Grimes-Stillwell. I love you more than any other man on earth. Happy anniversary, my favorite." Scott read aloud. "Jesus Christ, this is my favorite painting I've ever gotten and it's all because of you!" He hugged him and kissed his neck.

"That is one giant ass painting. Where should it go?" J Lee asked.

"The dance studio. I figured it would look great there, given that I technically own the place." Brad told him.

"Perfect! We'll start hanging it up tomorrow." Scott smiled and then back to Brad. By 9 pm, Seth and I were in the moonlight, staring at the night sky. We've been home since few minutes ago and decided it was best to camp out together as a couple.

We laughed and smiled at each other, drinking our wine we got in our wedding 17 years ago. Yes, we could've waited longer to drink it but Seth was the one who decided to break the rules, to which in my surprise, I thought of the exact same thing. Once we finished the wine, I felt very tired and went to sleep very peacefully.

"Goodnight, my love." Seth whispered as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and he fell asleep as well, holding my hand.

"I love you too, my Scottish-English king." I said to him, but he was already asleep. We woke up the next morning and heard the birds chirping. "Morning, gorgeous." I greeted Seth, who was still sleeping. He didn't wake up, but I figured he was going to have a hangover from last night. Myself? I chose to drink responsibly and that's it.

"Fucking Christ, my head." Seth said as he woke up minutes later.

"You okay? I asked him.

"My head fucking hurts like hell. I feel sick as well." He answered, groaning in pain.

"You serious?" I asked, to which he nodded. "My poor baby." I said, placing my hand on his forehead and he closed his eyes again, but falling asleep again.

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