Chapter 18 (2)

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Oliver's POV

I was writing the script for my next YouTube video, when all of a sudden I heard a noise. I went to see what it was and it was Papi lifting this box. Mami was there as well. Mason was watching TV and laughing at the screen.

"Jesus, this thing really is insanely huge." Papi said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"You said it." Mami sighed.

"What's in here?" I asked, curious to know what's in the box itself.

"Just a bunch of old stuff we're giving away." She answered.

"Not everything. Just some." Papi reminded her.

"Like how many?" I shrugged.

"30-50 stuff." He explained.

"Those things are going to charity and when we get the money for it, we will give it to you." She smiled.

"All that money? What about retirement for Papi?" I joked, giggling about it.

"Son, I'm not there yet. Am I?" Papi answered, terrified at the sound of that.

"For the love of god, Seth. You're only 57. Give it lots of time. You'll be retiring when you're ready." Mami laughed.

"Yeah, Seth." I laughed as well, using his name.

"Oliver, don't call me by my name again." He said, getting upset. Mami definitely had lost her shit as in she died laughing at this rate. "And Glory, quit your fucking laughing!" He yelled at her.

"Okay." She shrugged, getting her pocket knife out and sorting the stuff to get rid of.

"And if I see you laughing with our oldest son like that again, I'm leaving the house." He crossed his arms.

"Don't forget to wear a mask and social distancing!" She smiled and he rolled his eyes. Speaking about COVID 19, we were all tested for it and we got positive thankfully.

I made myself a mask that's Picard's unicorn and Kirk's for Papi since we both love Star Trek and I figured, this is a great way to also embrace our nerdiness, including our nerd culture. That day, as I finally finished the script for my video, I began drawing it and animating it.  For those that are wondering what my channel is called, it's olliesworld. I figured it's catchy and easy for my fans and audience to get interested in. Surprisingly, the the username wasn't taken so I am the first person to use it and only person who will ever use it.

I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of granola I made earlier and went back upstairs to my room. When I was a kid, it had posters of Star Trek and Star Wars mainly. Now, it has drawings I've put up and it's a lot nicer. Though, I'm going to change it again to make it easier for me to manage and that's it. As I was working on my video, I got a text message from Sienna.

Sienna: Happy birthday, dude.

Me: Thanks.

Sienna: Whatcha doin?

Me: Working on my next YouTube video. 😴

Sienna: I wish you could at least let me help. We will make a great team, don't you think?

Me: I guess. 🤷🏻 I'm just kidding. Of course you can help.

Sienna: Oliver, you're so funny. 😅

Me: I know. I made my dad angry though. 😂

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