Chapter 6 (1)

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Oliver's POV

I was drawing in class, as it was quiet time. I sketched this wooden doll I have, that way I can learn how to improve my animations better. My new school is really good. My teacher is nice towards her students and knows how to treat us like our own. As for any new friends I have, I don't have any. I'm still sticking to my word. It was now time for work time and Ms. Sammy handed us our work.

As I was doing mine, I noticed some students weren't doing anything. Not because they were lazy, but because they didn't know what it meant. I pulled my iPad mini from my desk and to the dictionary app for kids that Papi downloaded for me. I continued doing my assignment, until it was fully finished. It was 10:05 am, which meant it was time for recess.

"Okay, class. Put your work under your desk and line up." Ms. Sammy told us. She's sweet and funny towards us. I like to think of her like Mami and Papi because of the same personalities and humor used.

She's the only person I let her call me Oli and that's it. I took my sketchbook with me and lined up with everyone. We walked through the halls and to the front door, making it outside and we began running.

The playground is huge, so everyone was able to play in it. The entire school was outside too and I was trying to find a place to sit and draw. I sat in the shade and began drawing.

"Kid, this is our tree." Someone said to me.

"Huh?" I looked up at the guy, not sure what he meant.

"This is our tree. Move it!" He shouted.

"No." I refused.

"Why not???" He crossed his arms.

"Because this tree belongs to all of us." I told him.

"So?" He scoffed, taking my sketchbook and throwing it over the fence. He and his friends laughed and broke my pencil. I ran out of my spot and went to Ms. Sammy.

"Oli, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

"These boys threw my sketchbook over the fence." I sobbed.

"That's terrible!" She exclaimed. I took her to where the guys are and they were laughing and smiling.

"There they are." I sniffed, pointing to them.

"How dare you boys take advantage of a little kid like that!" She shouted at the guys.

"What's your deal?" One of the guys scoffed.

"He wanted to draw and all you did was throw his book over the fence." She said sternly. "Now, go get his book or else." She gritted her teeth.

One of the guys went climbing, got my sketchbook and climbed back down. "Here." He said, handing it to me.

"If you ever do that again, you will be sent to the principal's office." She told the guys. They shrugged and walked away.

Later that day, as I was doing my homework, Mason was pretending to be an airplane by making noises. "Mason, I'm trying to do my homework." I told him.

"Okay." He said, going outside and continue making airplane noises. Mami was cooking as usual, while Papi was still working.

"Yeah? Oh my god! Tell her to enjoy the moment of childbirth. Bye!" Mami said, ending the call.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your Aunt Adrianne is having the baby." She told me and Mason. I already knew about the birds and the bees but Mason still didn't know. The next day later, we went to see the baby.

"She's so gorgeous." Mami smiled, holding her.

"She even looks like her old man." Uncle Brad smiled.

"Who are you calling old?" Uncle Scott said, raising an eyebrow.

"So, have you guys decided on a name?" Papi asked.

"We decided to name her Rose Limey." Aunt Adrianne told us.

"That's actually kind of cool. Slightly weird, but cute." He smiled.

"If it was a boy, I'd jam him back inside." Uncle Chris said. Everyone looked at him as if he was out of his mind. "Too soon?" He laughed nervously.

"Chris!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Sorry." He apolgized, trying not to laugh again.

"Yeah, you better apologize!" Papi jabbed at his shoulder. He then held Rose and smiled at her. "Rose, you're lucky to have an amazing mother and two fathers that'll be there for you." He told her.

"She will learn Spanish too." Mami pointed out.

"Again, why?" Uncle Scott asked.

"I'm the aunt, so I make the rules. And it's a custom that children have to learn a second language." She said.

"True." He shrugged.

"Good boy." She petted his nose like a horse.

Few days later, we went to see Rose again and she was sleeping peacefully. I never seen a baby girl until the day she was born. She woke up and saw me. "Hi, Rose." I whispered. She didn't do much but babble and make other baby noises.

"She's really beautiful. What do you think, Oliver?" Uncle Brad said.

"She is." I smiled, looking at her some more.

"I think she needs to be fed." Uncle Brad lifted her and took her out of her room. She landed in her high chair and sat down. "Oliver, seeing as you're old enough, how about you feed Rose." Uncle Brad asked me.

"Really?" I smiled and he nodded. I fed her and Rose kept on tilting her head, implying she said no. "Here comes the airplane." I said, making noises of an airplane and she opened her mouth. She ate happily and I continued feeding her some more.

I heard the door close and got a little terrified. Once I finished feeding Rose, I wiped her mouth and she gripped on my hand.

"I think Rose likes you, Oliver." Uncle Brad laughed. Uncle Scott showed up and was looking upset. "Honey, what's wrong?" Uncle Brad asked, holding Rose.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said quietly. He had tears in his eyes, clearly shaking.

"My dad says speaking up is the right thing to do." I told him.

"Oliver, you're just a kid. I don't want to discuss this with you and Rose in the room." He sniffed.

"Okay." I shrugged. I went to the dance room and began dancing to jazz. I used to take dance classes, but ever since Mason was adopted, a few things had to change for a while. I will go back to taking dance classes, when I'm a little bit older.

A/N: Hey, ya'll! It's good to be back writing! Lol. I'm actually kind of at the stage where I would like a request for any chapter ideas. If you do have any, let me know by leaving a review. I will give you credit for the idea. Thanks! Don't forget to read and review, and follow me! ^_^

MacFarlane X Glory (6): The Final JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon